Yes, Thomas Becket's middle name was in fact Edward.
The duke of Thomas was a duke who rule Wales until he was chase out and His real was Henry Thomas. Little is know about his parents but his father's name was Igor Thomas and he was from Romania
Her parents were Thomas Ingersoll and Elizabeth Ingersoll. Thomas Ingersoll married 3 times but Elizabeth Ingersoll was Laura's real mother and Thomas Ingersoll's first wife.
Those are Quivers.
Thomas Dermer
Thomas Indian School was created in 1900.
Thomas Forsyth - Indian agent - died on 1833-10-24.
Thomas Forsyth - Indian agent - was born on 1771-12-05.
Thomas Corbett - Indian Army officer - was born in 1888.
Thomas Corbett - Indian Army officer - died in 1981.
"...I changed my name after my Indian fighting Tennessee ancestors."-Tennessee Williams, Tennessee Williams' South.
Thomas Adams - Indian Army officer - died in 1764-01.
The surname Thomas is English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, and South Indian. It's from the medieval personal name, of Biblical origin, from Aramaic t'om'a meaning 'twin'.
Thomas Whalen
Thomas Jefferson, he did not have a middle name.
Some say that Shakeem is an indian name but as we know Shakeem is an indian name