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John raised taxes too high

, he fell out with the pope

lost nearly all his land in France

He lost all his wars

murdered his nephew, arthur

only listened to advice from a few fellow advisors

ignored the rules in the magna carter

johns father and brother taxed the barons heavily

played a rubbish king.

These reasons made the barons rebel against the king.

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because he was selfish and did not understand

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Q: King John why did the barons rebel against King John in1216?
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What was the Barons revolt?

During the middle ages ,the King owned all of the land in England . He rented this land to Barons and in return the Barons paid the King and provided him with knights . This system worked well for both parties but during the late 12 th and early 13 th centuries,the barons became increasingly uncomfortable with the deal .They demanded more rights from the King which King John was reluctant to give.However , signed a contract or the 'Magna Carta' in 1215 but did not honour the charter . The Barons eventually got together and rebelled .This rebellion known as the Baron's revolt was the first 'Baron's War' (1215 - 1217) Later in the second half of the century a Frenchman, Simon de Montfort, led the barons in a second revolt resulting in two famous battles (Lewes 1264 ) and Evesham in 1267 where de Montfort was killed and the revolt was crushed by Edward 1 the most notorious king of the Middle Ages

Why were nobles upset with king john?

King John did many things to upset his people. In 1202 it was believed that John was responsible for his nephew, Arthur of Brittany's, murdered and they rebelled against him. Two years later John's army was defeated and John had no choice but retreat. To pay for the costly defeat, John increased taxes which decreased his popularity even more. In 1207 John and Pope quarreled over who should be Archbishop of Canterbury. The pope excommunicated John and put England under a church law that stated that no christening or marriage would be legal until the time the pope said that they would be. Church law said that only christened people could get to Heaven while children born out of marriage were doomed to Hell. John lost another battle to the French in 1214. This defeat resulted in England losing all her possessions in France. John was forced to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede in 1215. This guaranteed the people of England rights that the king could not go back on. In 1216, John tried to go back on the Magna Carta but this only provoked the barons into declaring war on him.

English monarch forced to sign the magna carta?

King John, son of Henry II, signed the Magna Carta into law in 1215. Feudal barons attempting to protect their power pushed the Magna Carta. It was the first time a document was imposed on a king by his subjects.

What did Tudors think about Henry vii?

The Tudors liked King John, this was the time when King Henry the 8th ruled. Henry did alot of things John did, lke quarrelling with the pope and chasing after women! The Tudors had sympathy for King John when he lost France because King Hnery had problems with the French. Also Tudors admired John for standing up to his Barons because Tudors did not expect Barons to interfere with anything. Hope this was helpful xx

The source of the theory which advocated limited power of government can be traced to which document signed by King John of England in 1215?

The Magna Carta, signed by King John of England in 1215, was a document that advocated for limits on the power of the government. A group of barons forced King John to sign the Magna Carta to limit his power over them and protect their rights.

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What was the main idea of Magna Carta?

The magna carta was made by King John V's Barons as a patronising agreement. The Barons decided John was taking advantage of the them financially and for power. The magna carta had several rules that John had to obey and if not they threatened to rebel against him.

The high nobles and barons revolted against who?

The high nobles and barons revolted against King John.

Why did the barons rebel agenst King John?

because the barons had to fight in his army and he was called softsword and lackland because he lost land and lost battles

What happened in Runnymeade?

Runnymede is the location where King John of England met the rebel barons and signed the Magna Carta.

Who did the The high nobles and barons revolted against?

King John

Who did the high nobles and barons revolt against?

King John

Did the barons win against King John?

the barons rebelled against King John because...he raised their taxeshe disobeyed the magna caratahe took their land in francehe made them fighthe listened to forin advisers and not them

Was there any female barons rebelling against king john of England?

There was indeed!

Why many of lord and barons don't like King John?

because he was against them and not on their side

Did King John win the war aganist the baro ns?

No, King John did not win the war against the barons. The conflict between King John and the barons culminated in the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited the power of the king and established certain rights for the barons.

Why was there only 6 Saxon barons?

There were only 6 Saxon barons because it was how many there were. No particular reason. These men were the men who began to conspire against King John in 1209.