The French economy was shattered, besieged by debtors and on the verge of bankruptcy.
As a result, the citizens had lost faith in the responsiveness of the inept monarchy and were worried about such simple things as bread and the hope of a better future.
The French Revolution.
The economic collapse of the country.
The french revolution started on Bastille Day, July 14, 1789
rise to power of napoleon bonaparte
There are a lot of things that are not results of the French Revolution. However, to give you a reasonable answer, you will need to resubmit the question with the choices.
The financial crisis in France was a direct cause of the 1789 French Revolution.
The French Revolution.
The French Revolution.
The economic collapse of the country.
Fear of a Royalist counter revolution.
It became an immediate cause for war.
the invasion of french by several foreign armies
The lower and middle class' feelings.
the invasion of french by several foreign armies
Yes, some wanted to provide active and immediate support to France.
The immediate cause of the first revolution in March 1917 was the disastrous impact of the First World War.
You need to list the multiple choices for this kind of question. Otherwise, a smart-mouth answer like "jet exhaust" could answer it.