The KGB is Russia's secret police organization created in 1917. In the beginning, the KGB was under control of the People's commission of the USSR. In 1991, the KGB was dissolved, and the foreign intelligence committee assumed duties.
The KGB was the secret service agency of the former Soviet Union. It's task was to gather information which was considered to be a threat to Soviet security. In other words, the members of KGB were spies,and functioned both domestically and internationally. Other nations had reason to fear the KGB because it sought to gather secrets during the Cold War period. Soviet citizens had reason to fear the KGB because it recruited ordinary Soviets to spy on family, friends, neighbours and colleagues. Many nations have an intelligence gathering (spy) agency for both international and domestic purposes.
The KGB were the soviet secret services back in the time of the Cold War
KGB is Russiaâ??s state security or military service branch specializing in foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. KGB is widely known for harsh tactics during the Cold War.
No, the KGB was not yet in existence when the Romanovs were alive. The Romanovs did however have their own secret police.
KGB--now you can complete that crossword puzzle!
The KGB is Russia's secret police organization created in 1917. In the beginning, the KGB was under control of the People's commission of the USSR. In 1991, the KGB was dissolved, and the foreign intelligence committee assumed duties.
A three-letter word that is associated with Russia or the USSR, you’re almost certain to hear KGB – short for Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti – or the Committee of State Security.By the time the KGB got its name and became autonomous in 1954, it was already a stong force, protecting the Soviet state from internal and external threats as well as gathering intelligence worldwide.The KGB was disbanded in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia’s former president – now prime-minister – Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer in Soviet times
In Russian KGB means Komitjet Gosudarstvjennoj Bjezopasnosti, translated this means Committee for State Security
The KGB was the secret service agency of the former Soviet Union. It's task was to gather information which was considered to be a threat to Soviet security. In other words, the members of KGB were spies,and functioned both domestically and internationally. Other nations had reason to fear the KGB because it sought to gather secrets during the Cold War period. Soviet citizens had reason to fear the KGB because it recruited ordinary Soviets to spy on family, friends, neighbours and colleagues. Many nations have an intelligence gathering (spy) agency for both international and domestic purposes.
The KGB was the intelligence and internal security agency of the former Soviet Union. KGB [Russian, from K(omitet) G(osudarstvennoĭ) B(ezopasnosti) : komitet, committee + gosudarstvennoĭ, genitive of gosudarstvennyĭ, of the state + bezopasnosti, genitive of bezopasnost', security.] And, although the KGB is no longer the security service such as the Military's GRU, the president of Russia was a former Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB -so, has it really gone away regarding Russia and Putin's actions? On December 21, 1995, the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin signed the decree that disbanded the KGB, which was then substituted by the FSB, the current domestic state security agency of the Russian Federation. In Belarus, a former Soviet republic, the official Russian name of the State Security Agency remains "KGB". The term is also sometimes used metaphorically in the Western press to refer to the FSB since 1991. Main Intelligence Administration (GRU) Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie (GRU) Check this Link: KGB And fro an abundant wealth of informatin on the subject check this site: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the KGB of the Soviet Union. For the intelligence services in Belarus, see State Security Agency of the Republic of Belarus. For other uses, see KGB (disambiguation). The KGB emblem and motto: The sword and the shield KGB (transliteration of "КГБ") is the Russian abbreviation for Committee for State Security (Russian: Комитет государственной безопасности (help·info); Komityet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti), which was the umbrella organization serving as the Soviet Union's premier security agency, secret police, and intelligence agency, from 1954 to 1991. The KGB's operational domain encompassed functions and powers like those exercised by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the counter-intelligence (internal security) division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Security Agency, the Federal Protective Service, and the Secret Service in the United States, or by the twin organizations MI5 and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in the United Kingdom.
KGB-FM was created in 1950.
There isn't any KGB agent in Czech Republic, because there is no KGB anymore.
The KGB was the national security agency of the Soviet Union, disbanded in 1991. There is no current way to contact the KGB.
Kgb se kar lo.
KGB Archiver was created in 2006-03.