Scots and Irish came to America after parliament forbade them to ship their dairy products, linens, and woollens to english markets. Faced with economic ruin, they decided to emigrate to the new world.
The term "US of America" is a political one and refers to the country whilst "America" is geographical. It is certain that the Vikings reached North America before Columbus as Viking artifacts have been found. Properly speaking, those who 'discovered' the Americas were the people who migrated across the Bering Strait during the last Ice Age.
it was one of the largest human migrations in history
They were nomadic
The habitants came from France and migrated to new France to settle.
The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated.
Most people migrated to America because they wanted a better life with greater opportunities for themselves and their family.
i think that they migrated south because that was the only way that they had to get their food and also get clothing.
they might have migrated
Nothing, they migrated to Canada because of the potato famine, and they had no belongings.
Absolutely no native Americans migrated to America. They were already here! They met Columbus!
cuz they wanted to
everywhere duh
Scholars think that people migrated to Asia to north America by the Bering strait. that was a bridge that stretched around Asia and north America.
i think that they migrated south because that was the only way that they had to get their food and also get clothing.
They formed a clan system. Clans are large groups of families that claim a common anncestor.
To escape religious persecution
Christopher Columbus' lost horses that migrated to the savanna have longer front legs than the ones that migrated to the mountainous regions of North America. The savanna region of Africa is similar to the prairies of America. "I think we should name the baby Savanna because that is where she was born", said the pioneer.