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Q: Significant changes that took place in Europe after 1945?
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When did the world war 2 took place?

For Europe 1938-1945.. for America 1940-1945.

What Changes in western Europe 1945-1989?

A major change in Western Europe in 1945-1989 was the post war rebuilding of Germany. Germany was divided into East and West Germany.

What day was victory day in Europe?

In late April and early May 1945. The formal surrender of most German forces in Europe took place on May 8, 1945.

Did the Holocaust happen in Florida?

No. The Holocaust took place in Europe between 1941 and 1945.

What is significant about the island of Hiroshima?

That place has been the first to receive an atomic bomb on august 1945

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what are the changes in tourism habits seince 1945 what are the changes in tourism habits seince 1945 what are the changes in tourism habits seince 1945 what are the changes in tourism habits seince 1945

When and where did world war 2 take place in?

Sept 01, 1939 in Europe til Sept 02, 1945 in Japan

When did the holocaust take place and what international conflict was going on?

The Holocaust took place from about 1940 to 1945, the international conflict was the Second World War.

What and when is VE day?

Victory In Europe Day. The surrender of Germany , May 8th 1945.

The war in Europe end?

the war in Europe ended in the late 1945"s

Did ww2 end in the pacific earlier then the fighting in europe did?

No , the fighting in Europe stopped may 7, 1945 and then Japan surrendered September 2 , 1945 .

Was the halocaust before the atomic bomb?

Yes it was. The Holocaust was in Europe, the war in Europe ended before the first automic bomb was dropped in August 1945. Meanwhile the war in Europe ended in May 1945.