Northern Plain and The Northern Indian River Plain
Do you mean Count Dracula? If yes, he is killed by Jonathan Harker and Quincey P. Morris.Vlad III - also called Vlad Drăculea or Vlad Țepeș -, a Wallachian prince from 15th century, died at the end of 1476 during a fight against the Ottomans. It is most likely that he was beheaded by a member of his own army.
The indo gangetic plain is also called the northern plain . It is fertile because of the alluvial soil presnt in this region and also the rivers : indus , ganga , brahmaputra and its tributaries flow through this region making this region very fertile.
A savannah or a veldt.
The Plain of Wallachia is located in the country of Romania.
Oh, dude, like, the large plain found in Romania is the Romanian Plain. It's, like, one of the most extensive plains in the country, stretching across, like, a big chunk of southern Romania. So, yeah, if you're ever in Romania and want to see some flat land, that's the place to go.
These are the Stara Planina Mountains.
Plain Country Curate. has written: 'A plain friendly farewell from a plain country curate to his parishioners'
No he was Wallachian(a region of now-day Romania).
Libya is a country with a plain green flag. The flag is entirely green with no other design or symbols on it.
The Tuscan Plain is in Italy on the continent of Europe.
pimple country in masedonia
The cast of Posada 1330 - 2013 includes: Florin Anghel as Basarab I Mihai Cotei as Hungarian Knight, Wallachian General Mihai Csaby as Alexandru Nicolae Lupu as Toma of Transylvania Dragos Marica as Wallachian General Bogdan Mot as Hungarian Knight, Wallachian Chief Archer Jan Ogrean as Jan Radu Popa as Knight Cosmin Tudoran as Borila
The cast of Dynasty of Basarabs - 2013 includes: Florin Anghel as Basarab I Mihai Cotei as Hungarian Knight, Wallachian General Mihai Csaby as Alexandru Nicolae Lupu as Toma of Transylvania Dragos Marica as Wallachian General Bogdan Mot as Hungarian Knight, Wallachian Chief Archer Jan Ogrean as Jan Radu Popa as Knight Cosmin Tudoran as Borila
all for our country