Fourteen points
government revenue from taxation
In most feudal societies in Europe the main classes were: 1. The grandees of the Church - bishops and mitred abbots. 2. The aristocracy - dukes, earls (or counts) and barons. 3. The full citizens of towns and cities - fully qualified craftsmen. 4. The serfs - 'tied to the soil'. worked for lords and worked on the land the king provides
A statement that uses the words not, neither, and nor.The statement immediately above was not a negative statement.But the one immediately above was!
Yellow Journalism. You ask the question as if it were only practiced in the past. There are still a lot of papers that practice it - some only occasionally - others almost continuously.
Its called a pulpit and its used to elevate a preacher above his congregation so he/she can be seen by everyone.
Do you mean: What is the Christianity's church's worshipping God they worship is called?--If so, there are many names for him:JesusLordGodI AmImmanuelMessiahName Above All NamesSaviorPrince of PeaceChristThe Good ShepherdAdd more names with the minor editing feature!
It probably would be called a mausoleum (above ground grave) or a crypt.
Nobles and the church
No. The pastor is called to shepherd and therefore must have a certain amount of authority but God is the head of the church. The pastor should be the highest human authority within the church but not so high that he is above accountability from the other elders in the church.
It is the numerator of a fraction which is above the denominator.
sanctuary lamp
A:Most of the church steeples I have seen do have a lightning conductor. Look for a small rod or three-pronged fork rising just above the peak of the steeple. As a child, I was told this is called 'Nick's needle'.
Yes. The fact that you are on your way to church does not place you above or beyond the law.
The epicenter is located (above the focus) at the earth's surface.
In our church, (Roman Catholic) the bread holder is called a Eucharistic Minister. The person holding the cup of wine has this name also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the Roman Catholic Church, the answer above (a Eucharistic ---- also called an Extraordinary ---- Minister) is the title of the person who DISTRIBUTES the body and/or blood of Christ. When Holy Communion is distributed in a place other than the church (hospital, home, nursing home, etc.), the case in which the Host is carried is called a pyx.
Hierarchy is the organizations of persons/church officials arranged one above the other according to rank