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Bartolomeu Dias

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Q: This is the exploration route of what Portuguese explorer?
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What caused the Portuguese exploration to be a success?

They found a trade route to asia?

Who was the Portuguese explorer who led the boldest exploration yet in 1519?

Ferdinand Magellan

This Portuguese explorer is credited with discovering the route to India?

da Gama

Who was the first Portuguese explorer to find water route to Asia?

Vasco du Gama was the Portuguese explorer who successfully completed the first all-water route to get to India. He traveled around Africa to get to India.

Who was the Portuguese explorer found a sea route to Asia by sailing around Africa?

Vasco de Gama thank you very much.Vasco de Gama , A Portuguese explorer , made the first voyage from Europe to Asia.

What word describes bartholomeu dias?

Explorer. Bartholomeu Dias was a Portuguese maritime explorer who is renowned for being the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa in 1488, opening up a new sea route to India.

Was Vasco da Gama an important explorer?

He was a Portuguese explorer and of course he was important, he was the first to travel around Africa and by doing that, he opened a new trade route.

What is Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama famous for?

a water trade route from Europe to India by sea.

What impact on society did gil eanes have?

He discovered a passable route around Cape Bojador. This allowed the Portuguese to begin their exploration of Africa.

Who was da gama?

Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope to reach India in 1498. He established a maritime route to the East, effectively opening up the age of European exploration and trade with Asia. Da Gama's voyage played a significant role in expanding Portuguese influence and shaping the future of global trade.

What was Ferdinand Magellans contribution to exploration?

In search of fame and fortune, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain in 1519 with a fleet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.

Who is carvalho the explorer?

A Portuguese explorer