Well I found this very useful webpage that gave me the evolution of communication dating way back in 3500 B.C -http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_communication.htmThere's the website! :) Hope it does good!
Napoleon reversed everything the French Revolution gained through ten years of bloodshed. He also sent Europe to war, fighting with Britain, Austria and Russia.
(Not in any order) Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Tordesillas, Treaty of Paris 1783, Treaty of Tilsit, Treaty of Ghent, Treaty of Portsmouth, Potsdam treaty, N.A.T.O. (north Atlantic treaty organization), Treaty of Paris 1856, Treaty of Paris 1815. There are a whole more bunch but in my opinion these did the most.
Smoking X cigarettes per day for Y years to equal 150. For example, smoking three packs per day for 50 years, or ten packs per day for fifteen years would each yield a 150-pack-year smoking history.
have a look at those ones : Vercingétorix, Clovis I, Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Louis XIV, Robespierre, Napoleon, Hugo, Jaurès, General de Gaulle. it is hard to know.
Louis Riel had ten siblings: three brothers (Charles, Joseph and Alexandre) and seven sisters (Elsie, Philamene, Sara, Marie, Octavie, Eulalie and Henriette).
The record is held by Raul.
Eric freaking Roberts
emmit smith, walter payton,
no there are a lot of equal ways to die
A-ROD Tiger Woods
Robert horry, Reggie miller, ray Allen
1. Sanath Jayasooriya
You need to be a little more specific and say what you mean by "top ten." Top ten largest? Top ten most powerful? Top ten best sellers? Top ten most common?
soccer and football
That can't be answered as asked. What do you mean by "top ten?" Top ten best sellers? Top ten most used? Top ten largest caliber?