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On the misty morning of September 3, 1609, explorer Henry Hudson and his Strong head winds and storms forced them to abandon the northeast voyage.

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Q: Was Henry Hudson abandond by his men in Hudson bay?
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Where was the last place ever that Henry Hudson explored?

Henry Hudson was left behind by his men on Hudson Bay in what is now Canada. He was unable to find the Northwest Passage and his ship was stranded in James Bay by a harsh winter.

Did Henry Hudson die in the hudsons bay?

Yes, it is assumed that he did. After being trapped in icebound Hudson Bay for the winter of 1610-1611, his crew staged a mutiny. Hudson, his son, and several men were put overboard in a small boat, and never seen again.

How Henry Hudson discovered Hudson Bay?

He discovered it in 1610.1610On his final voyage to North America, Henry Hudson sailed into Hudson Bay on August 2, 1610.(After exploring the bay, he found his ship blocked by ice and was trapped there until the sping of 1611. His crew mutinied and Hudson, his son, and some men were set adrift in a small boat. None were ever seen again.)

What was Henry Hudson's contribution?

He discoved the areas that are now called: the Hudson Bay, Hudson River, and Hudson sound, and he was looking for a more direct route from Europe to Asia, util his boat got stuck in ice and his men mutinied.

What weapons were aboard Henry Hudson's ship?

there were cannons. the men used swords and guns.

The two men who started Hudson's Bay Co were what donomination?


What is the most interesting fact about Henry Hudson the explorer?

On his first voyage Henry Hudson took 30 men with him and they reached the country of Greenland. On his third voyage in 1609 Henry Hudson was traveling on an old ship called the Half Moon. Henry was married to a woman named Katherine and the couple had 3 children.

What were the effects on Henry hudsons discoveries?

seven men were lost at sea Henry Hudson, John Hudson ,Arnold Ludlow, shadach Fanna, Philip Staffe,Thomas Woodhouse, Adam Moore, Henry King and Michael bute.

Who wereThe 2 men who started hudson's bay Co?

Medard Groseilliers and Pierre-Esprit Radisson.

Where did Henry Hudson die?

On his fourth expedition in 1610, attempting to find the Northwest Passage through the North American Arctic, Hudson's ship became trapped in the ice. In June of 1611, as he sought to continue on, his crew mutinied. Hudson, his son, and seven others were set adrift in a small rowboat and he was never seen again.

What did people do in a fort?

If it was a Hudson's Bay Company fort, there were for sure a doctor, an officer, and a baker. Also a few extra men. If it was a North West Company fort, there would be more men as they went to the first nations and the Hudson's Bay Company wanted the first nations to come to them.

Who sailed from England in 1606 with a boat load of men?

Henry Hudson left England in 1609.