Rumors have it that Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary was built on top of a grave yard but im not sure if it's true.
Scotland Yard
David Akers 59 yards in pre-season game v New Orleans on 12th August 2011. In NFL matches it is David Akers again with a 55 yard Field Goal v Dallas Cowboys on 18th September 2011. Phil Dawson (Cleveland Browns) kicked a 52 yard Field Goal v 49s at Candlestick Park on 30th October 2011.
Robert Peel, the first "Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis" (Metropolitan Police) in 1829.Trivia: In the film "Young Sherlock Holmes", the plaque on a door at "Scotland Yard" wrongly shows this as "Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis".
As woollen cloth is woven in different thicknesses the weight of 40 yards would vary according to that. Tartan fabric for kilts could be as light as 10 oz per running yard of 54 inches width, up to 16 oz or even more. The 10 oz is normally only used for kilts used in competitions of Highland dancing where it will swing easily and enhance the movements of the dancers. The 10 oz would weigh 25Lb, the 16 oz would be 40Lb plus the weight of what it was wound onto - usually it would be folded double with the right side of the cloth to the inside, and wound onto a flat board. As wool can absorb water, modern standards require that the weight be given when at a particular moisture content. Do not carry bolts of woollen cloth in a rainstorm unless they are covered over, or they will become very much heavier. <G>
The Domesday Book, also called the Doomsday Book, was a large census of the entire Kingdom of Britain.It was a massive land survey that William the Conqueror commissioned in 1085 so he would know what the size of his kingdom as well as what it contained. He did this so he could know how much taxes he could levy on the people.Willliam died before it was completed."there was no single hide nor a yard of land, nor indeed one ox nor one cow nor one pig which was left out".
yes it was built on top of a grave yard
a grave yard is where people have died and got buried
The Mystery of the Grave-Yard was created in 1898.
not of your beez wax
A cemetery, a church, a crematorium, a grave yard, a mortuary, the undertakers, a chapel of rest........
Herobrines is a creepy pasta my suggestion is to build a grave yard and summon him
Neil Gaiman
The Grave Yard
The grave Yard