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Abel Janszoon Tasman was a Dutch seafarer and explorer born in 1603 in the village of Lutjegast, Netherlands. Tasman was employed by the Dutch East India Company and, ordered to try to find a new sea trade route to Chile in South America. On 24 November 1642, he discovered a previously unknown island on his voyage past the "Great South Land", or "New Holland", as the Dutch called Australia. He named it "Antony Van Diemen's Land" in honour of the High Magistrate, or Governor-General of Batavia. The island was renamed Tasmania in 1855.

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16y ago

Yes. Abel Janszoon Tasman was a Dutch seafarer and explorer born in 1603 in the village of Lutjegast, Netherlands. Tasman was employed by the Dutch East India Company and, ordered to try to find a new sea trade route to Chile in South America. On 24 November 1642, he discovered a previously unknown island on his voyage past the "Great South Land", or "New Holland", as the Dutch called Australia. He named it "Antony Van Diemen's Land" in honour of the High Magistrate, or Governor-General of Batavia. The island was renamed Tasmania in 1855.

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Was Abel Tasman an Australian explorer?

No. Abel Tasman was a Dutch explorer.

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Dutch explorer called abel janszoon tasman

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Tasmania's name comes from Dutch sea explorer Abel Tasman, who was the first European explorer to discover it in 1642. However, Tasman originally called it Van Diemen's Land.

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Abel Tasman was a dutch explorer that discovered New Zealand.

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Abel Tasman was a Dutch explorer and merchant. He is most known for his voyages of 1642 and 1644 for the United East india Company. He is the first known European explorer to reach the islands of Tasmania and New Zealand.

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Dutch explorer Abel Tasman first sighted Tasmania (or Van Diemen's Land, as he called it) on 24 November 1642.

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Abel Tasman was a Dutch seafarer and explorer. He was born in the Netherlands.

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The Tasman Sea named for Dutch explorer Abel Tasman.