the germans conquered Roma and the Italian peninsula in 300---the only thing they adopted was the well established Christians roman religious beliefs .......
Some might quibble, but my understanding is that the Franks are/were a Germanic tribe. It is also my understanding, that they appeared later than the Germanic tribes the Romans first encountered in their conquest of northern/western Europe. Somewhere in the process they started speaking a Latin based language rather than a Germanic based tongue.
APEX: Roman Catholicism remained the dominant religion.
The western part of the empire was invaded by Germanic peoples: the Vandals, Alans, Sueves, Burgundians and Alemanni. The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians migrated to England in waves. Germanic peoples are peoples which belonging to the Germanic linguistic group of northwestern and central Europe which now includes German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.
It was not until the Romans under Julius Caesar conquered Gaul that Gaul was controlled by one group--the Romans. Previously to this Gaul was a mixture of various tribes each having their own territory and allies.
The Austrian Empirewas not. It was definately the Romans. They had just fought back the Germanic tribes and claimed the entire almost island.
The belief the Germanic rulers adopted from the Romans was Catholicism.
The belief the Germanic rulers adopted from the Romans was Catholicism.
the germans conquered Roma and the Italian peninsula in 300---the only thing they adopted was the well established Christians roman religious beliefs .......
The Germanic kingdoms dominated the lands.:)After the fall of the Roman Empire, Germans started moving to Europe, German and Roman governments merged, the pope appointed emperor Cherlemagne of the Romans and there was social and cultural decline in Europe.
The Romans considered them barbaric and when an alliance was tried it ended in the Germanic tribes ambushed and defeated three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest. The Romans were never able to conquer Germanic territories east of the Rhine river.
Because the Germanic tribes of Europe refused Roman rule and always fought wars against the Romans. It was the Romans who spread Latin.
Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.
There was a great migration of Germanic people seeking new lands in western Europe in the late 2nd Century BCE, which put them in collision with the Romans who were expanding control in southern France and in Spain.
The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.
Some might quibble, but my understanding is that the Franks are/were a Germanic tribe. It is also my understanding, that they appeared later than the Germanic tribes the Romans first encountered in their conquest of northern/western Europe. Somewhere in the process they started speaking a Latin based language rather than a Germanic based tongue.
A barbarian is a person who isnt civilized, according to romans and greeks, all except romans, greek and maybe egyptians were barbarians. The vikings were germanic warriors from far away who wanted to plunder, they were barbarians in the eyes of europe
Some Germanic peoples lived in the Roman Empire and fought alongside or the Roman army or fought on behalf of the Romans as Roman allies The Romans also hired Germanic mercenaries because of a shortage of Roman military manpower.