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It was not until the Romans under Julius Caesar conquered Gaul that Gaul was controlled by one group--the Romans. Previously to this Gaul was a mixture of various tribes each having their own territory and allies.

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Q: Which was the Germanic people who conquered Gaul?
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Who were the Germanic peoles who conquered Gaul?


What Germanic tribe ruled France?

The Franks conquered Gaul, and settled there. The name "France" comes from tha Germanic tribe.

What group conquered the former roman province of Gaul-?

The Franks conquered the former Roman province of Gau. They were a confederation of Germanic tribes.

What region did Julius Casar conquer after his consulship?

Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.Julius Caesar conquered the region known as Gaul after his consulship.

Where did Caesar lead his army after he conquered gaul?

Julius Caesar conquered Gaul.

What land did Caesar and Cleopatra conquer?

Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.

Who were the Ancient Germanic people from jutland who invaded gaul in the 2nd century bc?

Teutons and the Cimbri.

What barbarians conquered gaul?

In 406 the Vandals, Sueves (both Germanic peoples) and the Alans (Iranian speakers) crossed the river Rhine (the frontier of the Roman Empire) and invaded Gaul. The Alemanni, another Germanic people, took advantage of this to take over Switzerland and Alsace, in northeaster France. The Burgundians, also a Germanic people, settled in an area which is now in Germany west of the river Rhine (Rhineland-Palatinate). The exact date when this occurred is not known. It is known that they were there from 411. In 443 the Romans resettled them in Sapaudia which is thought to correspond to present day Savoy, in eastern France.

Who conquered gaul after the roman rule?

The Franks did.

Who was the king of franks who conquered gaul?


Who was ancient Rome's general's name who conquered France?

Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.

How did France get its name?

France was Gallia (Gaul) until invaded and taken over by the Germanic Tribe called the FRANKS.