i dnt no :P i just thught u should at least have sum sort of answer... sorry
Elizabeth I James I charles I oliver cronwell Richard Cronwell Carles II James II william II Anne George I
James ii
The Glorious Revolution overthrew King James II and brought King William III to the throne of England. James II
The English Parliament made laws that put limits on what the royals could do.
James Francis Edward Stuart (1688-1766), the 'old pretender', son and heir of James VII of Scotland and II of England and Ireland, never ruled either Kingdom. In fact his birth in June 1688 is held to have precipitated the Glorious Revolution of that year, when his father was forced to flee Britain and William of Orange and his wife Mary were invited to rule in his place, becoming joint monarchs King William III of England and II of Scotland and Queen Mary II.
What are Venus Willims accomplishments
one of his accomplishments are to work hard
dont no the answer
he discovered the 12th dynasty.
she made no accomplishments
James Naismith invented basket ball.
James McHenry became marylands senate
yes he did
etta James accomplish of winning lots of awards
He wrote the Declaration of rights