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Comparing and contrasting historical sources

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Q: What are both techniques historians use when synthesizing evidence?
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How are historians similar to detectives?

Historians and detectives both record events from the past and find out, how,when,who did it and why it happened. They both go to the scene and collect evidence that could be useful and help them find out what happened.they both study the evidence up close for dna that could be useful to help find out the mystery or problem.

How do historians regard the sage kings and the three cultural heroes today?

they are both considered mythical.

Which of the follwing is credited with being the world's first republic?

Although it is known that the Romans and Greece both had the foundations of a republic, historians assert that the first republic was Vaisali, India, This was in the state of Bihar. The foundations of a republic, historians claim was circa 500-300BCE. Far later, the Portuguese were credited with establishing the first Republic in Europe.

What are the limitations of the sources of history?

What is known about ancient history is based on sources and it can be expected that these sources are limited if only because of the time an ancient historical event happened and the present day. Nevertheless, here are the source limitations faced by historians in their studies:A. Ancient historical writings about history may have been written hundreds of years after the historian begins a record. In dealing with the writings of the ancients it must be remembered that they did not have the resources that modern day historians have, such as carbon dating and a vast network of "finds" based on modern archeology. Therefore the accuracy of ancient historians can be called into question;B. While modern historians can rely on archaeologists with scientific data to assist them, they are limited, because of time, to explain "cultural" facts that may have influenced the ancient writers;C. Modern historians must base much of their writings upon the records of ancient historians, which may be inaccurate. By the same token, the same problem confronted the ancient historians as they too must rely on earlier writers;D. Historians, both modern and ancient, understand that the sources of previous writers may be prejudicial. This may be the result, for example of a writer in the time of Julius Caesar. If the historian favors the deeds of a Caesar, the historical records may not be totally accurate;E. Since we have Caesar here, his own writings on his conquests in Gaul must always be seen as a man writing about his own history. Thus the source can be questioned;F. Conflicting historical writings can always exist. The historian reviewing these faces another source limitation;G. Lack of historical records. The ancient Egyptians have left no blueprints on building pyramids. Scholars, archeologists, and engineers and others still speculate how they were built; andH. Myths. Historians are frequently faced with ancient historians who may have based their writings on "myths". For all practical purposes, as one example, the founding of ancient Rome is dated at 753 BC, this is an educated guess. It may also be termed a myth, thus the historian is faced with another limited source.

Where was Charlemagne crowned emperor?

Charlemagne was crowned emperor in St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome, on December 25, 800. This act created what historians call the Carolingian Empire, which was ancestral to both the the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of France. Charlemagne is considered Charles I of both countries. At the time of the coronation, and for quite a while after, the empire called itself the Roman Empire. Unfortunately the Byzantine Empire also called itself the Roman Empire. Modern historians use the terms they do to avoid confusion. For more, please use the link below.

Related questions

Which are both techniques historians use when synthesizing evidence?

Historians use corroboration, which involves cross-referencing multiple sources to confirm the accuracy of information, and contextualization, which involves placing evidence within its historical context to better understand its meaning and significance.

How are historians similar to detectives?

Historians and detectives both record events from the past and find out, how,when,who did it and why it happened. They both go to the scene and collect evidence that could be useful and help them find out what happened.they both study the evidence up close for dna that could be useful to help find out the mystery or problem.

What are the similarities between a historian of Jesus and an archaeologist?

Historians and archaeologists both, at least in principle, look for evidence and then analyse the evidence, without regard for what scriptures may say.

What are two types of evidence that historians use?

Historians use primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied, and secondary sources, which are interpretations or analyses of primary sources by other historians. Both types of evidence are important in constructing an accurate and comprehensive understanding of historical events.

How historians study the past?

Historians study the past by studying the previous recorded events of the past activities. They use both the scientific and traditional methods to gather such information which they then use to compile their documentary evidence.

How are historian like a detective?

Historians are like detectives because they both gather and analyze evidence to piece together a coherent narrative. Historians search for clues in primary sources such as documents and artifacts, just like detectives collect evidence at a crime scene. Both use critical thinking skills to construct a logical explanation for past events based on the information available to them.

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Both highlights and symbols are useful techniques for marking important information in a text. They both help improve comprehension and retention by drawing attention to key points. Both techniques can also aid in synthesizing information and making connections between different parts of a text.

What is similarty between historians and archaiologist?

Both historians and archaeologists study the past to understand human behavior, culture, and societies. They analyze evidence, such as artifacts, documents, and structures, to reconstruct and interpret historical events and contexts. Additionally, both disciplines often rely on interdisciplinary approaches and collaborate with other fields to gain a comprehensive understanding of the past.

How is a historian similar to a investigator?

Historians and investigators both rely on research, analysis, and critical thinking skills to uncover information and piece together events. They both seek to gather evidence, evaluate sources, and construct a coherent narrative to understand and explain the past.

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Both Anabolism and catabolism are both part of an organisms metabolism. One is breaking down biomolecules, catabolism, and one is synthesizing biomolecules, anabolism.

What theorys are to Cleopatra death?

It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.It is believed by historians, both ancient and modern, that Cleopatra killed herself by some sort of poison or a combination of poisons.

How where herodotus and thucydides alike?

They were alike because both of them were Historians.