This was a very dramatic event and a lot of people got killed. There are no "fun" facts to be mentioned. -- Answer-- 1. The Bastille was both and amoury and a prison for upper class political prisoners.. 2. Most of the prison guards were retired soldiers and not young men.. 3. There were only 8 prisoners on the day of the storming and all were released. 4. The French decided to storm the Bastile because they feared the King's soldiers would killed them and stop the uprise.. Remember the Bastile was an amoury and had guns and gun powder. 5. The Bastille did not have an source of water and only had enough food for two days. 6. The French people decided to destroy the Bastille however they didn't have machinery so they tore it down by hand.. *NOTE the Bastille was a huge keep (fort) with some stones bigger than a car
1. It was an armory. 2. It was a prison. 3. The storming of the Bastille started the French Revolution because the peasants seized the weapons stored in the Bastille and became an army and not just a mob.
can you give me 5 historical facts about bouremouth
facts on Dirk hartog :)
it is
This Groups of Chinese were called the Boxers.
it took 20 years to build
you play
1. It was an armory. 2. It was a prison. 3. The storming of the Bastille started the French Revolution because the peasants seized the weapons stored in the Bastille and became an army and not just a mob.
There is no difference.
shes plays tennis she won the tennis tournement and she alsois pretty
He is very good at tennis
shes plays tennis she won the tennis tournement and she alsois pretty
There are a lot of fun facts about tennis. You can name all kind of tennis. One of the fun facts about tennis is some people play with there feet . One of the King of Kings played that way and won the "Golden Cup".Andy Roddick was the first Jamaican to eat pie. He won 100,000 tournaments and won 2,000,000 sets. He was a really good man.
It was a notewrthy popular grass roots uprising that marks the start of the French Revolution.
File an objection with the court, drawing the court's attention to "the facts" as YOU see them, OR appeal the findings of the case to a higher court.
Tennis was first played in France. It was an indoor game. It was played by royals. Hope I helped.
Any court of original jurisdiction, or trial court.