In an Australian context, a pastoralist is a farmer who runs sheep or cattle on the low rainfall pastoral zone lands. Usually these properties are large in size due to their reliance on natural rainfall, which is usually less than 300mm annually.
they care livestock and farmers care livestock and crops
Nomadic means that someone moves around seasonally to find good farming ground etc - they don't have a fixed home. Pastoralists are those who's main 'job' is farming with animals e.g goats, sheep. Put them together and nomadic pastoralists are people who's main concern is raising farm animals and they move around a lot to find the best land and pasture.
Arabs survived on the Arabian Peninsula primarily as nomadic pastoralists, meaning that they raised sheep and goats and moved across the Arabian Peninsula in search of grass to graze. They would usually find increased greenery at one of the many oases on the Arabian Peninsula. Eventually, Arabs created cities that could effectively trade local wealth and products for foreign foodstuffs from breadbaskets like Mesopotamia or Egypt.
Dhangars were the important pastoralists in Maharashtra.
Pastoralists are communities of people who depend on livestock as the way of their livelihood. Pastoralists in most cases are among marginalized communities and are very few in number.
one lives on a mountain, one on a plateau
difference between Indian and afferican pastrolists
Perhaps you mean pastoralists who are sheep and cattle farmers.
Pastoralists primarily rely on herding and managing animals for their livelihood, while cultivators who have domesticated animals focus on both raising animals and farming crops to sustain themselves. Pastoralists are more nomadic in nature, following their animals to different grazing areas, while cultivators tend to have more permanent settlements and may rotate their crops and animals.
They used to practice -shifting cultivation
forest acts passed by the colonial government did not permit the pastoralists to any access to the forests. Accordingly, their movenments were checked severely. They could stay in forests for limited time
¢Under colonial rule (occupation by immigrants from a different territory) in a place of indigenous people (India and Africa) leading a pastoral life, the life of Pastoralists changed dramatically.¢The grazing grounds of the Pastoralists shrank because of the domination of colonial people who lead a metropolis living.¢The movements of pastoralists was regulated and the taxes they had to pay increased considerably and imposition of new laws created a lot of problems for the pastoralists.¢The livestock and agricultural stock also declined and the trades and crafts were adversely affected as the life style got mordernised.¢The pastoral class become a neglected class causing severe damage to economy creating disparities among the society.
kute bhag ja yaha se