Research has shown that there are many notorious arsonists. Some of the most well known arsonists are John Orr, Paul Keller, Julio Gonzalez, Terry Barton and Benjamin Christensen.
jack the ripper Mary ann cotton William palmer Amelia dyer Burke and Hare
King Henry VIII and Martin Luther, although some would call them infamous. William Shakespeare, Jacques Cartier, Willem van oranje, Fillips II, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Thomas More
Some of the most famous filibusters have gone over 24 hours. The most famous is Senator Strom Thurman's 24 hour, 18 minutes failed filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
Trail of TearsHurricane Katrina9/11The Holocaust
This is arguable. Among the most recognizable are the Pope's ring, the West Point Ring, the MIT Brass Rat, and the Superbowl Ring, but some universities also believe that their class ring is the most recognizable.
In the United States, there have been many infamous murder cases. Some of the most infamous include the Manson murders and the murders of Abby and Andrew Borden.
Some of the most infamous pirates in history are Edward Lowe, Thomas Tew, Calico Jack, Blackbeard, and Henry Morgan, all five of which are from England.
Some of the characters and opinions that are expressed are not historically accurate.
some people are very infamous for drugs. Rich kids are mostly infamous and spoiled.
no because at the end of infamous 2 cole dies so unless they use some other charcter then there is not going to be a infamous 2
Dr Josef Mengele was perhaps the most infamous.
Cancer usually requires some form of radioactive treatment, such as one of the most infamous methods, chemotherapy.
The infamous prison in the southern United States is called Alcatraz, located in San Francisco Bay. It was known for housing some of the most notorious criminals in American history.
Kiana, Crematory, Aurora Empire
An inFAMOUS game figure? Well, I gotta say that is a hard question but I think they will make some and if they do, I want all of them!
Jim Jones (Jonestown), Marshall Applegate (Heaven's Gate), and David Koresh (Branch Davidians) are some of the most infamous Christian cult leaders.