well the thing is that what people don't understand is that physical characteristics are waterfalls or mountains. They are landforms as well. What is a characteristic? It is something that describes or defines. It defines the earth. Physical characteristics in this case means a land form that describes the earth,france to be exact. Such as the fact that there are mountains in the central area of france. all you idiots out there need to learn go to school or something ,..... um byeWell first of all I am not an idiot...I go to the BEST school in North Carolina and I am a Striaght A student ever since I was in 3 grade bye bye
Hindu Kush Mountains streets planned on a grid large, central granaries
Some signs of inequality may be physical or emotional differences.
Industrialization is to build up an area for progress sake.
what are three characteristics of earth's ocean
animals are physical charactosts
the landforms
it is .................awe....SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how deep is the atlantic ocean
a parrot has many physical characterristics some are that they have many bright colors
amazon river
what are some physicla chracteristics of laos