Alexander Mackenzie searched for the Pacific Ocean, and eventually found it.
The above answer is right. Along with discovering the Mackenzie River, he went on to make the first recorded transcontinental crossing of North America, he reached the Pacific coast on July 20, 1793 at Bella Coola, British Columbia, on North Bentinck Arm, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.
Alexander Mackenzie had two native guides on his expedition through the Rockie's, but there were others natives along the way, that did not appreciate the coming of Mackenzie.
they did not get divorced i think she died
his wifes names where Helen Neil and Jane Sym
Midland Grammar School
Alexander Mackenzie kinda hated the railway, and John. A. Macdonald kinda liked it.
Alexander Mackenzie, the Scottish explorer and fur trader, lived primarily in Canada. He is known for his exploration of the Mackenzie River in Canada in 1789.
it was in 1879 i know that cause im smart
Alexander Mackenzie's exploration lasted from 1789 to 1793. During this time, he led expeditions to find a route from Canada to the Pacific Ocean, ultimately reaching the Pacific in 1793.
because Alexander Mackenzie was an Important person
Alexander Mackenzie died on April 17, 1892 at the age of 70.
=Alexander Mackenzie was born on 1764=
What country did Alexander Mackenzie discover?
Alexander Mackenzie has 9 siblings
Alexander Mackenzie was an explorer who discovered a route to the Pacific.
Alexander Mackenzie was born on January 28, 1822.
Alexander Mackenzie - composer - was born in 1847.
Donald Alexander Mackenzie was born in 1873.