Desert Areas,Mountains, Lakes , and Oceans By:Curious Kid Desert Areas,Mountains, Lakes , and Oceans By:Curious Kid
After the war, many loyalists moved to Canada. But most did not want to live in a French culture.To avoid problems , Great Britain divided the land into two colonies, upper canada and lower canada.
Two examples of passive resistance are the actions of Gandhi and what happened in India. They contributed prominently to this occasion.
Canada has two official languages: English and French. After these two languages, Chinese, Italian, and German are the most used languages.AnswerTop 5 languages spoken in Canada are:EnglishFrenchPunjabiSpanishChinese
The massive migration of Loyalists to British North America led to the creation of Upper Canada and Lower Canada in 1791. The Constitutional Act of 1791 divided the Province of Quebec into the two separate colonies. Relations between the English speakers in the west and the French speakers in the east were strained. Splitting the area into two colonies was an attempt to end the French-English conflict and retain the allegiance of the Loyalists in Quebec.The English settlements in Upper Canada would be ruled by British common law and an elected assembly while the French province of Lower Canada would retain the form of government decreed in the Québec Act (a governor and appointed Councillors).
Human resources can be helpful in attaining career goals in various ways. Two examples are hiring the right personnel and facilitating relevant training for employees.
French Canada and English Canada
southern and northern.
Canada and Russia.
The North-Central and Northeast are the two regions while the United States and Canada are the two countries.
poooping and food
st Lawrence river valley and interior plains
what are two xampls of a fuctional rgion in australia
Canada has several mountainous regions, with the most well-known being the Rocky Mountains, Coast Mountains, and the Laurentian Mountains. These regions offer diverse landscapes and are popular destinations for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and mountaineering.
The Great Lakes are bordered by the United States and Canada. The two regions bordering the Great Lakes are the Central and Northeast.
The Great Lakes are bordered by the United States and Canada. The two regions bordering the Great Lakes are the Central and Northeast.
Two examples of a nation are the United States and Japan. Both countries have defined borders, a shared culture, history, language, and a system of governance that determines their sovereignty as independent entities.
Two examples of regions are the Amazon Rainforest in South America and the Sahara Desert in Africa. These regions are characterized by distinct geographies, climates, and ecosystems that set them apart from surrounding areas.