It could be used for explosive testing, cannonball "fuel", and any other particular thing involving high explosives. I should also point out that fireworks utilize gunpowder.
Gunpowder can blow things and people up.
the leader of the gunpowder plot
China is important because it made gunpowder.
The Chinese culture is credited with the development of gunpowder, the abacus, and the compass.Ê Many of these things were brought back to Europe by Marco Polo. Ê
I believe gunpowder may be used in fireworks
everything that is made out of gunpowder is guns as usuall and stuff like that
Fireworks, demolition, rock blasting, and certain power tools that use gunpowder cartridges.
If it uses gunpowder to launch a projectile it is considered a firearm
Yes, it still has uses, including in firearms cartridges and fireworks.
Inks, gunpowder, lubricants, fire extinguishers, soda pop and diamonds.
Gunpower was used for fireworks until guns were invented.
Three commonly know uses for potassium nitrate are gunpowder, medicines, and plant fertilizer.
One ingredient of gunpowder is sulfur.
There is no specific collective noun for gunpowder, in which case, you use an appropriate noun suited to the situation a pound of gunpowder, a flask of gunpowder, a box of gunpowder, etc.
Sulfur is used for a variety of uses. These include gunpowder, matches, rubber, fungicide, insecticide, fumigant, as well as fertilizers.
Gunpowder can be used to make a bomb. So unless you are licensed to be in possession of gunpowder, owning gunpowder is illegal.