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Rupert's Land no longer exists.

The Hudson's Bay Company was incorporated by Royal Charter on May 2, 1670. Prince Rupert, a cousin of the king, was the most prominent shareholder of the Hudson's Bay Company. The land granted to the Hudson's Bay Company by the Charter came to be called Rupert's Land.

The land included in the grant was the entire drainage area of present day Hudson Bay (including James Bay). This was roughly two-thirds of modern day Canada, plus large portions of the States of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota.

Around 1870, the Hudson's Bay Company transferred its rights in the land to Canada, and Britain transferred the territory to Canada, thus bringing Rupert's Land to an end.

Today, the Hudson's Bay Company continues as the world's oldest commercial corporation.

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Q: What areas of land does Rupert's land cover?
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Where had the Metis fled after the red river rebellion?

They did not flee, they held their ground, putting Canada into the position of purging the land of Metis and other people included in their purchase of Ruperts Land. Canada choose to blame just the leaders who fled to the United States as refugees.

How did the Metis act when Ruperts land was purchased by Canada?

Today the term Metis refer to all those of European and Aboriginal mixed blood but when Canada purchased Ruperts Land, complete with people, Metis referred to French and Aboriginal mixed bloods. Most mixed bloods in Ruperts Land were Scottish Aboriginal or British Aboriginal and that is still the case for Western Canada. This answer will refer to all those of European Aboriginal mixed blood as Metis. They responded as anyone would if they had found themselves being sold to a new country without being consulted. First with questions, then with action which included creating their own government to talk to Canada with. Canada would not accept any such governments in their colonies and responded violently. The Metis and other met violence with violence but were out numbered and out gunned.

What challenges made it difficult for explorers to circumnavigate the world for the first time?

No maps, crude instruments for navigation, not understanding "what is out there", and a misunderstanding about the true placement of land, currents, and areas.

What is called Rupert's Land now?

Prince Rupert's Land was a territory in British North America. Areas once belonging to Rupert's Land include all of Manitoba, most of Saskatchewan, southern Alberta, southern Nunavut, northern parts of Ontario and Quebec, as well as parts of Minnesota and North Dakota and very small parts of Montana and South Dakota

What was Ruperts Land?

In honor of Prince Rupert, on 2 May 1670 Charles II of England gifted a territory in British North America to the Hudson's Bay Company. It consisted of the Hudson Bay drainage basin and included all land in which the rivers drained into the Hudson Bay. Prince Rupert was the first governor of the company.

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What areas of land did Ruperts Land cover?

i really don't know sorry dawg

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the mohawk tribe was one of many tribes who lived in ruperts land

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Is Louis riel a villain?

In Canada he is. Canada bought Ruperts Land and acted like there was no people living there and if any where they would be thrilled to be ruled by Canada. Riel made it impossible to suggest people were not already living in Ruperts Land, worst yet he forced Canada to kill and take land by force. Something they would like to forget.

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His name was called Boy. He never left Prince Ruperts' side. (Even on the battlefield)