It helped promote the spread of English culture and values.The spread of English literature was encouraged by the colonial government to Anglicize India.The spread of English literature was encouraged by the colonial government to Anglicize India. -apex
please and thank you!
It destroyed many aspects of traditional Chinese culture, including religion, clothing, and art.
Lenin was relentless in his belief that because Russia was a backward peasant nation that lacked technology, industry, and the accumulated culture required for surpassing the achievements of the Western capitalist countries. He believed the fate of his revolution was dependent upon of at least one of the advanced countries to have a communist revolution and come to the aid of Russia.
There aren't six strands of social studies there are 8 strands of social studies and they are: history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science/technology, and social studies skills
Hatred of the Irish
The Glorious Revolution was the first time the colonies came together as a community of people with the same idea. This was very new to happen and influenced the political culture.
British culture has left its mark on the world through the English language, the Industrial Revolution, and its music.
English Heritage is a government body sponsored by the Department of Culture, Media & Sport in the UK.
the cultural revolution to revolutionize the chinese culture
none, there is no prove of physical genocide in tibet. But there were some culture genocide during the culture revolution in the 60s and 70s, (culture genocide is the attempt to abolish old tibetan practices) however Tibetans are free to practice there religion after death of Mao and the end of culture revolution. However the culture revolution wasnt aimed at tibetan culture.
to decide your death.
The legal system, government structure, and English language were adopted in the English colonies in the 13 colonies. Additionally, religious practices carried over from England and influenced the culture in the colonies.
the English culture is more modern and less formal
The red represents the blood of the soldiers who died, and the yellow represents the glorious history and culture!
culture affect must study very hard to learn english so he can explain to others in english why he thinks his parents named him culture affect.
Name two ways in which the information Revolution has changed the kabor force of American and world culture