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Q: What became part of the English kingdom in 1282?
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Which country became part of the united Kingdom in 1282?


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When did Ireland join the British Empire?

Never, it only became part of the UK. Britain and Ireland are two completely separate islands. If you mean the UK then, as part of the Act of Union in 1801. If you meant just Northern Ireland, then in 1922 when Northern Ireland was created and what is now known as the Republic of Ireland came into existence. It is not part of the United Kingdom. The island of Ireland has always been a part of the British Isles, which is a geographic term, not a political one.

Why has the Welsh flag got nothing to do with the UK one?

The national flag of the United Kingdom. Wales had no explicit recognition in the flag because Wales had been annexed by Edward I of England in 1282 and, from 1542 was part of the Kingdom of England when the flag of Great Britain was designed in 1606.

When did north Ireland join the UK?

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801. At that time it was all of Ireland that was part of it. Northern Ireland did not come into existence until 1922. At that time it stayed part of the United Kingdom, while the rest of Ireland became independent.

Did England Ireland and Wales become the United Kingdom?

No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.No. England, Ireland, Wales and also Scotland became the United Kingdom in 1801. In 1922 Northern Ireland was created and remained part of the United Kingdom while the rest of Ireland left it.

What year did Ireland become part of Britain?

Ireland and Britain are two separate islands. Ireland never became part of Britain. What you are referring to is the United Kingdom. Ireland officially became part of the United Kingdom in 1801 but in reality it had been controlled by England/Britain since about 1600.

Why is Northern Ireland part of the UK if it is not joint?

You are confusing Britain with the United Kingdom, which are not the same things. Britain is an island that consists of England, Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland is not part of Britain. It is on the island of Ireland. It is part of the United Kingdom though, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Between 1801 and 1922, all of the island of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. Then most of Ireland became independent and the part that then became known as Northern Ireland stayed part of the United Kingdom.

Under the English Bill of Rights, who became the most powerful part of the English government?

the Parliament

What made Ireland part of Great Britain in 1800?

In 1801, Ireland became part of 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland'.

How did Ireland become a part of the UK?

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801. When most of Ireland became independent in 1921, six counties of the province of Ulster (Northern Ireland) chose to remain part of the UK and that is still the case today.