British soldiers were nicknamed "Tommies"- see the poem by Rudyard Kipling. For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!" But it's "Saviour of 'is country," when the guns begin to shoot;
Watson is mostly a Scottish and Northern English surname. It is derived from the name Watt which was a common Middle English first name and a shortened version of the name Walter.
This surname Workman is an English surname and a Scottish and Irish surname. It is a name for a laborer, a work man.There are also Germans who bear this surname Workman, variants include Workmann, perhaps it is an Americanized form of a German surname, or perhaps it is of same derivative as the English/Scottish/Irish Workman.For more information, see related links below.
SHAW is English (however rare), and Scottish.Source: Behind the NameSHAW is English (however rare), and Scottish.Source: Behind the NameSHAW is English (however rare), and Scottish.Source: Behind the NameSHAW is English (however rare), and Scottish.Source: Behind the NameSHAW is English (however rare), and Scottish.Source: Behind the NameSHAW is English (however rare), and Scottish.Source: Behind the Name
An Irish person is someone born in Ireland - or a person born in another country who becomes a naturalized Irish citizen. The same rules apply to people born in Scotland or England (or naturalized). English, Scottish and Irish (Northern Ireland, not the Republic of Ireland which is in the southern part of Ireland) people are British since the three countries (plus Wales) make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
what brave-hearted scottish patriot led soldiers to defeat of the English at the battle of cambuskennet in 1279 William Wallace against Edward I
Scotland is the country where Scottish English, Scots, and Scottish Gaelic are spoken. Scottish English is the most widely spoken language in Scotland, while Scots and Scottish Gaelic are minority languages.
Scottish English or Scottish Gaelic?
I believe English & Scottish I believe English & Scottish
Boudicca was not Scottish. She was English.
What is the Scottish Gaelic for the English word 'sick'.
Mother. Scottish is English.
She could be English or Scottish because Scott is an English or Scottish surname.
An accurate number is not known, but many were English, French, Dutch and Hungarian . A Scottish Regiment fought in kilts.
Northern English, and Scottish.