British soldiers were nicknamed "Tommies"- see the poem by Rudyard Kipling.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country," when the guns begin to shoot;
British Columbia's nickname is Pacific Province.
The British National Party established in 1982 by John Tyndall is currently lead by Mr. Nick Griffin. Mr. Griffin became leader of the British National Party in 1999.
Why did Edward Kelly get the nick name NedNed is a nickname for Edward.Like calling someone with the name Robert bob or William Bill
The Garden State
Through the 2008 Masters, that would be Nick Faldo who won in 1996.
If you mean the Tommy's it was nick name for british World War One Soldiers.
That's a pretty stupid question given that these nick names were not given by the government but by the soldiers having fun.
what was the name given to Roosevelt's diplomacy
They were nick-named 'Tommies'.
British Columbia's nickname is Pacific Province.
The nick name the British Sniper belongs to the Lovat Scout, based in Scotland. They gained this nick name many years back, through activites they were doing whilst based in Scotland.
It was her nick name because she always had a water pitcher to take to the soldiers.
Nick Bradshaw.
Yes, a guy named Nick can have a nickname. A nickname is simply an alternative or shortened form of a person's given name.
The Hexagon or in French, le Hexagon.
Nick's given name at birth is Nickolas Gene Carter. This is different because typically the name is spelled Nicholas instead of Nickolas.