The revolt of 1857 was the most severe outburst of anger and discontent accumulated in the hearts of various sections of the Indian society ever since the inception of British rule in Bengal, following the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and the Battle of Buxar. British historians called it a "Sepoy Mutiny" and the Indian historians termed it as the "First War of Independence". Jawaharlal Nehru in his book "Discovery of India" described it as the Feudal Revolt of 1857 and added that "it was much more than a military mutiny and it rapidly spread and assumed the character of a popular rebellion and a war of Indian Independence".
Though the revolt was started by the Indian soldiers in the service of the East India Company, it soon proliferated all over the country. Millions of peasants, aritsans and soldiers fought heroically for over a year and sacrificed their life so that others might live. Hindus and Muslims kept their religious differences aside and fought together in order to free themselves from foreign subjugation.
The British tried to dismiss this Revolt by merely calling it a "Sepoy Mutiny", but this Revolt clearly shows the pented hatred that the Indians had for the foreigners. The Revolt did not take place overnight. There were many economic causes that added fuel to the fire. The British were exploiting the Indian economy and thus leaving many people jobless, helpless and homeless.
There were many social and religious reasons for the Revolt. The British started imposing their religion on the Indians by building churches and by forcing people to convert to Christianity. Further more, the Doctrine of Lapse, whereby adopted children were refused recognition and deprived of pension, instigated the political causes of the Revolt.
The British did not even spare the Indian soldiers. Rough treatment was meted out to the soldiers and they lived in squalor. The British left no stone unturned to create an eternal wall between Hindus and Muslims. The introduction of the greased cartridges took the situation to its highest point and thus in addition to economic, social and political causes there were military causes added to the Revolt of 1857.
The Revolt of 1857 was clearly not a success but it is unfair to dismiss it as a mere mutiny. This was the first time when Indians got together to fight against an invincible military power. The Revolt failed due to lack of planning, organization and leadership. The unfortunate part however was that there were some Indians who helped the British suppress the Revolt. Had they cooperated the Revolt might have been a success.
Eventhough the Revolt was a failure, the consequences of the Revolt were very important in Indian history. The Revolt brought the end of Company's rule, along with changes in the British policy towards Indian States. With the escape of Nana Sahib and the death of Bahadur Shah Zafar came the end of Peshwaship and the Mughal Rule. The end of the Revolt also led to the reorganization of the army and India was completely ruined from economic point of view. One of the most important outcome of the Revolt was that it gave rise to Nationalism. Indian people became more aware of the heroes, who sacrificed their lives so that others might live. The Revolt however, scarred the relationship between Hindus and Muslims with the Divide and Rule Policy.
The most important reason for the failure of Indian mutiny in 1857 was the absence of a central cohesive force and combined and coordinated war effort. This allowed East India Company to claw its way back into contention despite earlier setbacks and eventually defeat mutineers. Large Indian princely states like Hyderabad, Mysore, Travancore, and Kashmir did not join the mutiny which had a negative effect on the effectiveness of the effort.
1) Only central Regiol participated
2) Un Sympathetic attitude and hostility of many native rulers seek non participation by Bengal, Punjab, Bombay and Madras.
3)Hostility of Money Lenders and Merchants, Jamindars.
4) Weakness of Revolters, Strong British, Telegraphy and Lack of co-ordination.
The last Mughal emperor, Bahādur Shah II (1837–57), was exiled by the British after his involvement with the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58.
The native Indian soldiers recruited by the East India Company were called "sepoys" (or the cavalry equivalent "sowar"). The rebellion by these soldiers was called the "Sepoy Mutiny" or "Indian Mutiny" of May, 1857. The 200,000 sepoys outnumbered British soldiers by five to one. After two sepoys were hanged for disobedience and more than 80 imprisoned, a general revolt by the sepoys and the populace broke out against British officers and citizens. The war was mainly fought in north central India, south of the cities of Meerut and Delhi. During 1857 and 1858, various Indian and Asian soldiers fought either with or against the British. The British ultimately prevailed, though the conflict and later reprisals killed hundreds of thousands among the native populace. The rebellion marked the beginning of a united India, and is officially referred to as the "First War of Independence".
the British Crown
The Indian sepoys began to distrust the British because of several events. They were trying to convert Hindus and Muslims to Christianity. The British were altering the length and terms of service in the army. The pension for soldiers was eliminated. The British began using tallow soaked ammunition cartridges.
The direct rule of queen and British parliament after the mutiny in 1857, The Govt of India Act of 1858 Changed the administration in India.
The Sepoy Mutiny was a violent and very bloody uprising against British rule in India in 1857. It is also known by other names: the Indian Mutiny, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, or the Indian Revolt of 1857
the Indian Mutiny
The 1857 Uprising (also known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857, India's First War of Independence, the Great Rebellion, the Indian Mutiny, the Revolt of 1857, the Sepoy Rebellion, and the Sepoy Mutiny) began on 10 May 1857 as a mutiny of sepoys of the East India Company's army in the town of Meerut, some 70 km northeast of Delhi.
Sepoy Mutany of 1857 was the Indian rebelion from the british
The First War of Independence was the result of growing Indian distrust of the British in 1857. Britain referred to the war as the Sepoy Mutiny.
The 1857 Sepoy Mutiny was the first war for independence in India. The mutiny came about when the British decided to completely abolish the Mughal Empire, causing resentment to grow among the Indian people.
The novel "Zamindar" set in India during the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 was written by Valerie Fitzgerald. It tells the story of an Englishwoman living on an Indian estate during the tumultuous events of the rebellion.
france won the indian mutiny.
1857 is supposed to be called as the First War of Independence of India but the Britishers called it as Mutiny.
The Indian mutiny occured in May 1857. It was triggered by the introduction of the enfield rifle, which required a mix of pig and cow fat to be smeared on the cartridges (pig fat being offensive to Muslims and cow's to hindus). It was the final straw for the sepoys after having their payment of batta removed (a payment traditionally given to them when serving abroad). They mutinied and caused rebellion to spread throughout the population
He was an insurgent general who played a major role in the 1857 Indian Mutiny against the British raj. He is also known as Ram Chandra Pandurang.