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the rebellions happened because of the rebellions in lower Canada and they wanted a change in their government as well

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Q: What caused upper Canada rebellion?
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Explain why Mackenzie found little support for his rebellion in Upper Canada?

Mackenzie found little support in the Upper Canada rebellion because most of the leaders had been arrested, which caused the rebellion to lose most of its momentum.

Who led the rebellion in upper Canada?

William Lyon Mackenzie (not William Lyon Mackenzie King) led the rebellion of Upper Canada in 1837.

Did William Lyon Mackenzie and lead the upper Canada rebellion?

yes he was the leader of the upper canada

When did the upper Canada rebellion start?

It started in 1837 and 1838.

Who was the Rebellion of 1837 with?

Canada, upper and lower after frustrations with political reform.

Who was the man who led 1837 rebellion in Upper Canada?

William lyon Mackenzie

What is the rebellion that William lyon Mackenzie king made?

William Lyon Mackenzie made the Upper Canada rebellion in 1837

How did the Lower Canada Rebellion end?

The rebellion of lower Canada ended when upper & lower cananda became one due to the government wanting one country not two halves.

When did the rebellion in Upper Canada start?

7th December 1837 - 4th December 1838

William Lyon Mackenzie occupation?

he was in upper Canada's government, he started a newspaper and started a rebellion

What caused parliament to create Upper Canada and Lower Canada in 1791?

upper and lower Canada were created to keep the different types on people in there own places

What were Mackenzie's reasons for calling for rebellion in Upper Canada?

A bad year for crops led to a recession, and in the following years, the banks had begun to tighten credit and recall loans, so when Mackenzie heard of the lower Canada rebellion he decided to start his own rebellion.