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Some challenges faced by North Africa today include: poverty, poor education, violence, poor health, hunger, low economic growth rate, sustainable agriculture, access to financing, and hunger.

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Lvl 8
5y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Do we really care?
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Zi Xin Chen

Lvl 1
4y ago
So Sad
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Lvl 1
4y ago
I feel like this is someone's homework assignement...
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Lvl 1
3y ago
is the cause of these issues related to colonization?
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Betney Bright

Lvl 1
3y ago
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Betney Bright

Lvl 1
3y ago
oh no i feel bad
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Moe S

Lvl 3
3y ago

Now most of the challenges that North Africa face today are,

  • Terrorism/Conflict

  • Poverty

  • Less Job opportunity's

  • Most people don't have access to good Education

  • And a few of these countries in North Africa have territorial disputes

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Moe S

Lvl 1
3y ago
And oh I forgot to mention about how due to the rising populations some countries such as Egypt have lack of hosuing.
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Moe S

Lvl 1
3y ago
Also keep in mind that this isn't something many people go through in North Africa. Some people are living a good life well some are less fortunate.

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Andrew Gao

Lvl 5
4y ago

Problems with North Africa today are poor health, hunger, terrorism, education, finance, jobs, poverty, Poor, violence, no clean water, no power or electricity, low economic growth, no growing middle class, a poor government, dirty areas causing diseases, abuse over families, no good way of transportation, not a lot of very good machines to collect resources, and no strong military protection. But some countries are donating lot's of money to help Africa lately such as the USA but also China China has been donating the most money and is giving tons of jobs to Africans by making trading areas and also factories and is building areas to give Africa power and electricity and is also transporting machines and can now do it more since they have almost taken care of COVID-19 in there community and you can also find websites to donate money to Africa so you can give them food, water, and electricity. Helping Africa is a big part in helping poverty and the poor and make sure to donate to other problems as well.

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Lvl 1
4y ago
Do we really care?
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Lvl 1
4y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Bad road,high cost of things in the market.

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Urbanks Mark

Lvl 2
4y ago

Africa is the abused child of the world - the wrongs done to Africa and its people are legion.

My response to this question is that the biggest challenge is leadership. I need to explain my thinking. I am not very bright so the only way I can understand the challenges of our time is to take the macro problem and bring it down to something I can understand so I try and reduce the challenge to the village, the family or the individual.

Thus, I would look at the abused Africa and compare it to the abused child. The abused child has choices (neither are easy but they exist):

First: to "wallow" in self pity and blame the abusers for the state he/she is in and lead a life of failure and, often, become an abuser of others or:

Second: to accept and forgive the abusers and thus liberate him/herself and then going on to make different choices and (effectively) start again.

Forgiveness is very powerful as the child then regains power over his/her life and can make different choices.

To be clear: the 2nd option does not exempt the abuser of consequences of the crime nor does it require the child to forget the abuse, it simply allows the child the freedom to act without being driven/controlled by the past. Mr Mandela said it best:

"Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another"

It is my opinion that the leadership in Africa (and not only political leadership) have not chosen the 2nd option in enough instances and in many cases have chosen option 1 and have become abusers in their own right.

What gives me hope and keeps me in Africa is that we have the capacity to change our options and I see this change happening at "ground roots" level: the sheer amount of people that, daily, practise forgiveness in Africa is amazing and unbelievably heart warming. if you want to know more about the method email me at urbanksmark@gmailDOTcom

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Kai chinowth

Lvl 2
3y ago

In North Africa, people face lot's of horrible things. These are such as poverty, lack of food, border threats, and terrorism. The reason why these things are so bad in North Africa, is because it gives a higher Death Rate for those in North Africa, they also have lack of money, so the money they have there is so little, so it causes things like starvation.

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dylan silvert

Lvl 2
4y ago

Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent. It has the youngest amongst all the continents and hosts a large diversity of ethnicities, cultures and languages.

All of these features made the continent face the hardest challenges in the world.


Although the poverty rate in Africa has dropped in recent years, rapid population growth means that the number of people suffering poverty keeps growing: from 280 million in 1990 to an estimated 330 million in 2012.

Poor Education

More than two out of five African adults cannot read or write.

Ill Health

Health outcomes are worse in Africa than anywhere else in the world, even though life expectancy at birth has risen and chronic child malnutrition has declined since the mid-1990s.


Tolerance of domestic violence is twice as high as in the rest of the developing world. Incidents of violence against civilians are on the rise. While this litany of suffering is true throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with regard to all these measures life is particularly harsh for people living in the roughly 34% of Africa where states have collapsed to the point of irrelevance.


Of the 20 countries in the world with the worst food and nutrition security, 19 are in Africa.Inadequate investment in sustainable agriculture and significant social protection remain the major blocks to enhancing food availability. Climate change has also adversely affected many countries in Africa and compromised their ability to feed their people.

Access to financing

About 70 percent of Africans work in agriculture, but only 10% of the total portfolios of commercial banks goes to agriculture, according to the World Bank. Challenging legal and financial environments are constraining growth in African agriculture. For smallholders, especially, credit is often inaccessible or not affordable. Without appropriate financing, farmers are not only less able to invest in their operations but also much more vulnerable to market volatility and unpredictable weather.

Economic growth rate is far too low

Sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP per capita (at constant 2005 prices) was $1,036.10 in 2014. At the 1.4-percent growth rate estimated for 2015, it would take Africa 50 years to double GDP per capita.

In addressing all these continental issues, the new AU will require working with several new leaders across Africa since several key elections are taking place in 2016, including Uganda, Chad, Central African Republic and Ghana. However, such changes could also offer opportunities for building on the international momentum for development and change, thus driving real growth in Africa.

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  • The challenges include the adverse impact of climate change
  • increasing water scarcity
  • biodiversity and ecosystem loss
  • desertification
  • low resilience to natural disasters
  • potential non achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  • energy crisis,
  • food crisis,
  • benefits from globalization, health etc
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Lvl 4
3y ago

Basically North Africa is experiencing problems related to this dying system of things. The Bible prophesied at 2 Timothy 3:1 about critical times during the last days. It didn't exclude any part of the earth.

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Reegan clarke

Lvl 2
3y ago

north Africa: Key Issues and Challenges

Education. One of the most important areas of concern in north Africa is education.


Infrastructure and Inequality.

Labor Issues.

Land Reform.

State-Owned Enterprises.

Travel and Tourism.

Important Legal Information.

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Today, Africa remains the poorest and least-developed continent in the world. Hunger, poverty, terrorism, local ethnic and religious conflicts, corruption and bribery, disease outbreaks – this was Africa's story until the early 2000s.

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