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Prince Henry Lived in Portugal.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

he sailed to spread christinity

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Q: What country did Prince Henry live in?
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What country did Prince Henry the navigator represent?

Prince Henry the Navigator was Portuguese.

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In what country is Prince Henry the Navigator?

In Portugal

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Prince Henry lived for all most 100 Years!!!! -The D

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Prince Harry (Prince Henry) of Wales currently is living in the Clarence House.

Prince Henry the navigator sponsor country?

Portugal the country and his father expessaly

Discuss two of prince Henry the navigator main achievement?

Because of prince Henry the navigator,Portugal became the first country to explore.

What country supported Prince Henry the navigator?

He was a Prince of Portugal so he was supported by his own state.

Of which country was Henry the navigator a prince?

Henry the Navigator was the pince of Portugal.So therefor he sailed for Portugal.