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Indigo dye can be derived from several different plants, most notably Indigofera, which is native to the tropics. Other sources include dyer's knotweed and first-year wood rosettes.

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Woad ,cornflower and indigo (of course) will yield a blue dye. We're going to test the cornflower one though.

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Indigo or cornflower.

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Q: What crop was used to make blue dye?
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What country was tie dye invented?

red and blue.

What color is associated with royalty?

Interesting question. Has do to with the dyeing of silk and other cloths. The stuff you need to dye cloth or silk a nice purple is rare, compared to reds and blues and greens and yellows, and it's hard to dye purple well, because too much and you get black and too little and you get blueish well done purple silk was rare and hard to make, therefore expensive, therefore something only rich (e.g., ROYAL) people could afford. I believe that robes dyed purple were first popularized by those wandering seafarers, the Phoenecians. One of the things you got the chemicals to dye stuff purple from was the mucus from a smelly, icky sea slug, this was another reason it was so rare.. "Hey Mom, I'm goin' out to get some snot from a giant slug, I'll be back by dinner time so we can dye Dad's lodge robe..."

Why is silk so important to people who live in china and why is most of it red?

because real silk is mainly made in china and its white but they dye it what ever color they want to sell

What country did lipstick come from?

HistoryLipstick used to make a symbolic kiss.Ancient Mesopotamian women were possibly the first women to invent and wear lipstick. They crushed semi precious jewels and used them to decorate their lips.[1] Women in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization applied lipstick to their lips for face decoration.[2] Ancient Egyptians extracted purplish-red dye fromfucus-algin, 0.01% iodine, and some bromine mannite, which resulted in serious illness. Cleopatra had her lipstick made from crushed carmine beetles, which gave a deep red pigment, and ants for a base. Lipsticks with shimmering effects were initially made using a pearlescent substance found in fish scales.[3]During the Islamic Golden Age the notable Arab Andalusian cosmetologist Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) invented solid lipsticks, which were perfumedsticks rolled and pressed in special molds, and he described them in his Al-Tasrif.[citation needed] In Medieval Europe, lipstick was banned by the church and was thought to be used as an 'incarnation of Satan',[4] cosmetics being 'reserved' for prostitutes.EnglandLip colouring started to gain some popularity in 16th century England. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I bright red lips and a stark white face became fashionable.[5] By that time, lipstick was made from a blend of beeswax and red stains from plants. Only upper class women and male actors wore makeup.[6] In 1770 a British law was proposed to the Parliament that a marriage should be annulled if the woman wore cosmetics before her wedding day.[7]Throughout most of the 19th century the obvious use of cosmetics was not considered acceptable in Britain for respectable women, and it was associated with marginalized groups such as actresses and prostitutes. When Queen Victoria took the throne in 1837, she banished lipstick[citation needed]. It was considered brazen and uncouth to wear makeup.[1] In the 1850s, reports were being published warning women of the dangers of using lead and vermillion in cosmetics applied to the face. By the end of the 19th century, Guerlain, a French cosmetic company, begin to manufacture lipstick. The first commercial lipstick had been invented in 1884, by perfumers in Paris, France. It was covered in silk paper and made from deer tallow, castor oil, and beeswax.[1] Before then, lipstick had been created at home.[8] Complete acceptance in England may have been slower, but appears to have arrived for the fashionable Londoner at least by 1921.[9]United StatesIn the 19th century, lipstick was colored with carmine dye. Carmine dye was extracted from Cochineal, scale insects native to Mexico and Central America which live on cactus plants. Cochineal insects produce carminic acid to deter predation by other insects. Carminic acid, which forms 17% to 24% of the weight of the dried insects, can be extracted from the insect's body and eggs. Mixed with aluminum or calcium salts it makes carmine dye (also known as cochineal).[10]:36 This lipstick did not come in a tube; it was applied with a brush. Carmine dye was expensive and the look of carmine colored lipstick was considered unnatural and theatrical, so lipstick was frowned upon for everyday wear. Only actors and actresses could get away with wearing lipstick. In 1880, few stage actresses wore lipstick in public.[11][12] The famous actress, Sarah Bernhardt, began wearing lipstick and rouge in public. Before the late 19th century, women only applied makeup at home. Bernhardt often applied carmine dye to her lips in public.[10]:36In the early 1890s, Carmine was mixed with an oil and wax base. The mixture gave a natural look and it was more acceptable among women. At that time, lipstick was not sold in screw up metal tube; it was sold in paper tubes, tinted papers, or in small pots.[11] The Sears Roebuck catalog first offered rouge for lips and cheeks by the late 1890s.In 1912, fashionable American women had come to consider lipstick acceptable: though an article in the New York Timesadvised on the need to apply it cautiously.[13]By 1915, lipstick was sold in cylinder metal containers, which had been invented by Maurice Levy. Women had to slide a tiny lever at the side of the tube with the edge of their fingernail to move the lipstick up to the top of the case.[14] In 1923, the first swivel-up tube was patented by James Bruce Mason Jr. in Nashville, Tennessee. As women started to wear lipstick for photographs, photographymade lipstick acceptable among women.[11] Elizabeth Arden and Estee Lauder begin selling lipstick in their salons.[12]During the Second World War, metal lipstick tubes were replaced by plastic and paper tubes. Lipstick was scarce during that time because some of the essential ingredients of lipstick, petroleum andcastor oil, were unavailable.:50 World War II allowed women to work in engineering and scientific research, and in the late 1940s, Hazel Bishop, an organic chemist in New York and New Jersey, created the first long lasting lipstick, called No-Smear lipstick.[15] With the help of Raymond Specter, an advertiser, Bishop's lipstick business thrived.Another form of lip color, a wax-free semi-permanent liquid formula, was invented in the 1990s by the Lip-Ink International company. Other companies have imitated the idea, putting out their own versions of long-lasting "lip stain" or "liquid lip colour."

What did poor girls wear in the Victorian times?

Because they were poor, they often wore second-hand clothes obtained from friends, relatives or their land lord's household. They also obtained cloth when they were able and sewed their own clothing in forms imitating the styles worn by the more well-to-do. It was also common to have many children in a family (to combat the high mortality rate) and older children's clothing would be passed down from child to child as one grew out of them and the next grew into them in size. Some families (depending on where they lived) were able to gather plant material such as hemp or the wool of sheep, and spin them into thread on a spinning wheel and weave it into fabric of their own on a loom. If they were too poor to own their own spinning wheel or loom, they might negotiate the use of them from someone who did.

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What did the thirteen colonies use the indigo crop for?

Indigo dye is an organic compound with a distinctive blue color extracted from plants, and this process was important economically because blue dyes were once rare.

Why did the Cash crop indigo help southern economy?

it was used as a dye...-------------mARzs sez..:Indigo was a highly-valued crop in British colonial Florida. One of the oldest and most-durable of dyes..

How do you make blue color?

If something is not already blue, you can dye it. Indigo is a plant famous for its blue dye. It was used to make blue jeans. However the dye can now be made in the laboratory.

What color does blue and beige make?

Grey. I used fabric dye to make a pair of beige sheer curtain panels blue. I used royal blue dye and ended up with grey.

How can I make indigo blue?

To make indigo blue, you can mix indigo dye with water and a reducing agent like soda ash. This mixture will create a blue dye solution that can be used to dye fabrics or materials.

What do you call a 'blue dye'?

blue dye is used in the goblin diplomay quest u use it with red to make orange dye then give it to genral bentnose to ompleate the quest

How do you make purple dye?

mix red and blue dye Red dye- redberries blue dye- woad leaves

Is a bushy plant whose stems and leaves are used to make blue dye?


What is the name of the plant used to make a valuable blue dye?

Indigo plant

How do you make blue pants out of brown pants?

Dye them blue with a blue dye you can buy at Wal-Mart maybe?

What kind of dye do you need for goblins diplomacy?

You need orange dye and blue dye. Aggie in Draynor Village can make red, yellow and blue dye. Combine the red and yellow to make orange dye.

What was the main source of income in the north?

Carolina rice was a profitable crop traded around the world. Settlers in southern Carolina later learned to raise indigo. (Indigo- A plant used to make a valuable blue dye.)~( That's how blue jeans got there color~ INDIGO)