he was looking for gold in the 1500s and it was found, so it existed.
fransco did acopplish
He sailed from Spain you can find this at Francisco Pizarro .com
24 days was when he did it
what job did francisco pizarro mom do
it ended in Peru
Francisco Pizarro was supported by Spain during his journey to South America. King Charles I of Spain provided Pizarro with the necessary resources, authorization, and military backup to carry out his conquests.
Francisco Pizarro's journey to South America was to explore and conquer the Inca Empire in search of wealth and power for Spain. He and his men were motivated by rumors of the Inca's vast riches in gold and silver. Pizarro successfully captured the Inca emperor Atahualpa and eventually claimed control over the Inca Empire.
No, Francisco Pizarro did not explore the Amazon.
Is this someone from Damascus
Francisco Pizarro wanted to explore because he wanted to find land and gold!
fransco did acopplish
mostly south america
No, Francisco Pizarro is not single.
Pizarro founded the inca city of tumbez