A Victorian hat was often adorned with flowers and delicate lace.
Discusting.In the Victorian times they did the bathroom in a chamberpot then threw it out of the window on the streets it was revolting!
peach orange clothing like silk and stuff like that
Queen Guards....they are named according to what part of the castle they protect(such as foot, queen ,etc.)
as much as a donkey dances like a potato chip badger
Well they wore brown and they wore pig hats because they were piggys
no they wore large hats, they look like wedding hats:)
Novelty hats are like goofy hats. For example, a hat that is a shape of a hot dog, an umbrella hat, a jester hat, etc.
old.. possibly victorian..
like someone ran out of toilet paper
old nasty and evil
Black wizard hats, black cavalier, blood & tar snelms, black boater, black beret.
some looked old some looked good
Tiana would like to buy cone shaped hats for her birthday party She wants hats with the largest volume since they look bigger Which of the following brands of hat should she buy? Brand A is the answer.
Some common knitting patterns for hats include the roll edge, slouch, Norwegian star, hats with earflaps, striped hats, and ribbed hats. Other patterns include berets, half-ribbed caps, four cables hat, bobble hats, Victorian lace caps, etcetera.
Pretty much the same as they do now