Barefoot (only officers wore shoes back then), cut offs to his knees, and a pony tail, to keep the hair out of his face when he worked.
The Boston Massacre took place in 1770.
Christopher Columbus is considered to be the sailor who discovered the New World.
Bad harvests in the 1770's
In the 1770's there was no longer a feudal system. __ It was called seignorial system. The name carried over into Quebec when New France was settled.
you can have all the history you want ask me! sailor jerry swallow, new Glasgow
The same as it does now.
Sailor Forby Sutherland in Endeavour Botany Bay 1770.
It depends on how you look at it. In reality, no, Sailor Moon is not real; in Anime, yes. But like I said earlier, there are many ways to look at the situation. Hope this helps answer SOME of your question.
Take away almost all of the buildings, roads and trash, add several hundred thousand trees and a couple of extinct animal species and there you have it! The Maine Territory of 1770!
a hole in the ground
The look out
like servants
you might think it is sailor moon, but it is actually sailor Venus. Remember how Serena (Usagi for Japanese) always played sailor v games. Sailor v is sailor Venus and was found by Artemis (another talking cat like Luna).
A sailor's cry could be something like "heave ho."
Yes Sailor moon loves her daughter.