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Candles, oil lamps, torches, camp fires, fireplaces. It will be another 400 years or so before people will have electric lights. Because of this people in the 1500's thought of day and night as two separate times. Think about what it would be like to go someplace, stay until after dark and then try to get home with no lights. First, you have to know the road or path home really well because if there was a bridge, hole, or twist/turn in the road/path and you didn't know it you could get killed. People died all the time falling off of bridges. Second, it was very dangerous to be out after dark because there were robbers/highway men who would attack people. People of this time also thought the air at night would physically harm you. They thought people got sick because of the night air and did a lot of things to keep the night air out. They put curtains around their beds for that reason and even thought that if your hand or foot stuck out from the curtain it could make you sick. Night was seen as a time of mystery and danger.

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Q: What did people use for light in the 1500's?
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