They all had the same rights. however women in Elisabethan times were denied their rights as amater of coarse.
Young girls were taught, growing up that they had to obey their parents, especially the father. So they knew instinctively to obey men when they were older. Overall girls were taught that they were inferior to men.
Marcus Brutus would wear the standard Roman tunic and toga, just like all the other men of his time. If you are referring to the character Marcus Brutus in Shakespeare's play, he would wear whatever the wardrobe department gave him.
They wore trunk hoses' also known as slops
The upper class were rich, were as the lower were poor.
weird things
poor men would wear rags rich men would wear suits and top hats i think
Men are above women in the Elizabethan chain.
Either nothing, or ripped, shabby, cheap togas
Both did. The King's wife or lover often hunted with him.
There are several images available on the internet. Search for Male Elizabethan Dress.
That is a very easy question to google...the poor men wore mostly cotton, if you type into google what peasents in the 17th century tons of pictures and iformation came up for me, try it out! Hope this helps!
men were but girls were not