Indentured servants in 1770 dressed differently according to where they were to be working. Slaves who worked in the homes, dressed in finer clothing than those that worked in the field. The men in the field wore breeches (pants) and cotton shirts, while the women who worked in the field wore dresses and head wraps.
brittanie elizebeth asher
The men wear Turbines and the women wear a thing called chuies to show respect to their god
The Atlantic Revolutions were a revolutionary wave in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century. It was associated with the Atlantic World during the era 1770s to the 1820s.
they were awesome!!! Let's be more specific please. Does somebody else know anything about women's society roles in the 1920's?
when women have their periods, women wear whisper to stop the blood from staining their clothes.
Sikh women don't wear a bindi. Hindu women wear a bindi.
Pentecostal women normally do not wear a vail.
Women's Wear Daily was created in 1910.
No women do not wear cologne it's called perfume
in the 1770s
the women in Mumbai wear saris and Punjabi dresses
Yes, both do. Men mostly wear dreadlocks, but women wear them, too.
There were no European settlers in Australia in the 1770s. The people in Australia were the Australian Aborigines. In the past, Aborigines wore very little or nothing at all, even in cold regions such as Tasmania. In colder areas, they might wear kangaroo or possum skins, but mostly they covered themselves with ochre and animal fat. The Aborigines did wear various kinds of personal ornaments such as arm and head bands, necklaces, and bracelets. These were usually made from shells, bones, animal teeth and claws, or bits of feather and fur.
women clothing
The most women who wear pantyhose per capita are over 55 years old. Younger women do not feel the need to wear pantyhose, but will often wear leggings.
Not traditionally. However, women in pipe bands are required to wear a kilt.