The term for them (at least in the US) is AWOL - Absented Without Leave. A general term for those who've done such is deserter. Those of us who've known others who've done that while we went over and put ourselves in harm's way have a series of much more colourful names for them, but not a single one wouldn't violate this site's rules if I were to post it.
Sometimes, people call the soldiers who keep watch for enemies Sentries or lookouts.
Discribe any one famous soldier/officer?
Soldier hired by the army of another country or by a private army, or a Soldier that will fight for you for pay enough.
A Spanish Soldier
== ==
A soldier who runs away can be called a few things depending on circumstance. They can be known as AWOL (absent without leave) or be gone on a U.A (unauthorized absence) or a deserter, depending on specific circumstances.
its about a soldier who runs. so danger real craze wow.
Of course!
a starfish
Class 'ditcher' comes to mind.
A sentry is a name for a soldier on guard.
There is no difference, well, if you know what I mean. You a male a soldier and you call a female a soldier.
ANSWER If the fall back is being carried on orderly we call this a retreat, a withdrawal. If the army is running away from the enemy disordely we call it a rout
A soldier?