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It was the Magna Catra but sadly he didnt follow it, and he went back t his old ways. It did stand as a building block for the English Bill of Rights later though.

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Q: What document did king john singed that was important for the united state government?
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Is the magna carta the oldest document in english history?

The Magna Carta is not necessarily the oldest document in history. It is however, the oldest document that resembles the United States constitution.

What is the Potsdam Decloration?

The Potsdam Declaration or the Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender is a statement that called for the Surrender of the Empire of Japan during World War II. On July 26, 1945, United States President Harry S. Truman, United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Chairman of the Nationalist Government of China Chiang Kai-shek issued the document, which outlined the terms of surrender for the Empire of Japan as agreed upon at the Potsdam Conference. This ultimatum stated that, if Japan did not surrender, it would face "prompt and utter destruction" although the document did not make any mention of atomic weapons.

Why is Uncle Sam important to history?

Uncle Sam... US.

Who is united kindgoms 's ruler?

The ruler of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II. The head of the government is Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP (Labour).

There are four different kinds of bureaucracies Which of these do the others report to?

In the United States of America, there are four different kinds of bureaucracies: departments, independent agencies, independent regulatory commissions, and government corporations. While departments were originally intended to be the largest and most important of government bureaucracies, many independent agencies are larger in terms of both staffs and budgets than many departments.

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The Constitution and Bill of Rights of the new United States of America was approved. This is the most important document in United States history.

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The Constitution was the document that was created by the United States of America to guide its government.

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The document that outlines the federal government of the United States is the Constitution of the United States. It establishes the three branches of government - the legislative, executive, and judicial branches - and outlines the powers and limitations of each branch.

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the U.S. Constitution

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