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The United States of America's Constitution is a very important document for the country. It is a guide to run the country.

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the Constitution is a legal document outlining the powers of the state and local government determined by the federal government

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Q: What is the constatution?
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How many amendments does the constatution have?

the constitution currently has 27 amendments

What does constatution mean?

We citizens of the USA to be able to create a better life, to have the government provide justice for its people, having peace at home, government protection, the happiness and well being of ourselves, and much more

How does the Preamble go?

We the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defnse,promote the general welfare, and secure the the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our postarity, do ordain and establish this constatution, of the United States of America. That is how the Preamble goes, and the Preamble is the first part of the U.S. Constitution!

The siner of the constatution from?

There were actually forty signers of the Constitution, and they're as follows: Washington, George, VA Franklin, Benjamin, PA Madison, James, VA Hamilton, Alexander, NY Morris, Gouverneur, PA Morris, Robert, PA Wilson, James, PA Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth, SC Pinckney, Chas, SC Rutledge, John, SC Butler, Pierce, SC Sherman, Roger, CT Johnson, William Samuel, CT McHenry, James, MD Read, George, DE Bassett, Richard, DE Spaight, Richard Dobbs, NC Blount, William, NC Williamson, Hugh, NC Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, MD King, Rufus, MA Gorham, Nathaniel, MA Dayton, Jonathan, NJ Carroll, Daniel, MD Few, William, GA Baldwin, Abraham, GA Langdon, John, NH Gilman, Nicholas, NH Livingston, William, NJ Paterson, William, NJ Mifflin, Thomas, PA Clymer, George, PA FitzSimons, Thomas, PA Ingersoll, Jared, PA Bedford, Gunning, Jr., DE Brearley, David, NJ Dickinson, John, DE Blair, John, VA Broom, Jacob, DE Jackson, William, Secretary There were actually forty signers of the Constitution, and they're as follows: Washington, George, VA Franklin, Benjamin, PA Madison, James, VA Hamilton, Alexander, NY Morris, Gouverneur, PA Morris, Robert, PA Wilson, James, PA Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth, SC Pinckney, Chas, SC Rutledge, John, SC Butler, Pierce, SC Sherman, Roger, CT Johnson, William Samuel, CT McHenry, James, MD Read, George, DE Bassett, Richard, DE Spaight, Richard Dobbs, NC Blount, William, NC Williamson, Hugh, NC Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, MD King, Rufus, MA Gorham, Nathaniel, MA Dayton, Jonathan, NJ Carroll, Daniel, MD Few, William, GA Baldwin, Abraham, GA Langdon, John, NH Gilman, Nicholas, NH Livingston, William, NJ Paterson, William, NJ Mifflin, Thomas, PA Clymer, George, PA FitzSimons, Thomas, PA Ingersoll, Jared, PA Bedford, Gunning, Jr., DE Brearley, David, NJ Dickinson, John, DE Blair, John, VA Broom, Jacob, DE Jackson, William, Secretary

Related questions

What constitution is in America?

the constatution of america

Who made the constatution?

Tomas Jefferson

Where was the constatution signed?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

What is the states singing ratified the constatution?

New Hampshire

How many amendments does the constatution have?

the constitution currently has 27 amendments

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What was the argument put forth by the radical Republicans in Congress to justify their control of Reconstruction?

Du the constatution stupid

Why is 1787 important to US history?

the constatutional convention in philadelphia was held in 1787. (the brith of our constatution/republic)

What office mentioned in the constatution must a person be a natural born citizen?

It is the president. The writers want to make sure only native born citizens could hold the office.

What does constatution mean?

We citizens of the USA to be able to create a better life, to have the government provide justice for its people, having peace at home, government protection, the happiness and well being of ourselves, and much more

How does the right to bear arms differ from other rights?

Right to bare arms is one of the ammendments in the bill of rights or the constatution. This means people have the right to wepons but if these wepons are abused consequences would be issued.

What is a formal plan for government is called?

The first formal plan of government in the US was known as the Articles of Confederation. However, this was replaced by the constitution which governs the government.