We citizens of the USA to be able to create a better life, to have the government provide justice for its people, having peace at home, government protection, the happiness and well being of ourselves, and much more
the constitution currently has 27 amendments
The United States of America's Constitution is a very important document for the country. It is a guide to run the country.
We the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defnse,promote the general welfare, and secure the the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our postarity, do ordain and establish this constatution, of the United States of America. That is how the Preamble goes, and the Preamble is the first part of the U.S. Constitution!
doesit mean anything It is believed to mean: The Bends Place.
There are three that I'm aware of: 1) mean - rude/unpleasant/unkind, saying words or committing actions that will intentionally hurt (physically, mentally, emotionally, or otherwise) the well-being of another, without reason or need. 2) mean - the definition or explanation of a concept (i.e., "what does that mean?"), or the intention ("what do you mean", "what do you mean to say", "did you mean to do that") 3) mean - an average, such as the "arithmetic mean". You add up the collection of numbers you have to get a total, then divide by the amount of individual numbers you had (for instance, if you have 4 numbers - for example 2, 3, 5, and 6, you add those 4 numbers to get 16, then divide the total by 4 since you had 4 numbers; the average, or "mean" is 4). What do you mean what does mean mean? Are you like, teasing us? Are you being mean? There is much to ponder and always when we ask, it's always the same, we ask in all earnestness, what does it mean? Do you know what I mean? I wonder if the average Joe knows what I mean, not that average Joe's don't ponder and ask what does it mean, I'm just saying that if you take all the average Joe's and look at them as a whole, how many of them do you really think will know what I mean? I mean, let's be honest here, I don't even know what I mean, do you know what I mean? What does mean mean? Ha! What does does do? What is what? Is is an is? What does mean mean, indeed!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
the constatution of america
Tomas Jefferson
New Hampshire
the constitution currently has 27 amendments
Du the constatution stupid
the constatutional convention in philadelphia was held in 1787. (the brith of our constatution/republic)
It is the president. The writers want to make sure only native born citizens could hold the office.
Right to bare arms is one of the ammendments in the bill of rights or the constatution. This means people have the right to wepons but if these wepons are abused consequences would be issued.
The United States of America's Constitution is a very important document for the country. It is a guide to run the country.
The first formal plan of government in the US was known as the Articles of Confederation. However, this was replaced by the constitution which governs the government.