Cultural implications usually means that goes against a person's culture. In the United States, in the early 1900s, it would have bad cultural implications to do anything on Sunday except go to church.
If you mean the novel by Aldous Huxley, it is about cultural trends in America.
The implications of Koelreuter's were not immediately recognized because subsequent workers did not quantify their results. The theories were not recognized for a century.
new ideas spreading from one culture to aother
Accidentally showing bad manners because of cultural differences
what cultural movement influenced the development of democracy in America?
what is Cultural Implications sport
Read the book and find out
Cultural factors must be considered when marketing consumer and industrial products.
J. Burn has written: 'Paradigm shift - cultural implications for development of IS professionals'
Commercial means "business trading"implications are "meanings", "effects" or "results"Therefore "commercial implications" areeffects on the business (usually financial).
I think it means errors
social = cultural = social cultural factor
Practical implications of research refers to the effects that resulted from the researched subjects. They have to be proven and are usually measurable.
social = cultural = social cultural factor
They broaden our knowledge of space and they help us know more things about what we are living on.
It is a history of Internet search technologies, focusing most on Google's growth and the cultural implications of Internet search.