The implications of Koelreuter's were not immediately recognized because subsequent workers did not quantify their results. The theories were not recognized for a century.
Supposedly around the turn of the century, Marshall Fields department store in Chicago got the bright idea of using its numerous large store windows to diplay goods available for sale. The results quickly grew into the modern era of advertising and consumerism.
his results were that he claimed the Mississippi river valley.
Results can be such as earthquakes, or mountains and volcanoes forming.
Commercial means "business trading"implications are "meanings", "effects" or "results"Therefore "commercial implications" areeffects on the business (usually financial).
None. Since Okinawa is a Prefecture of the nation of Japan why should there be any implications as the results of a US election?
So that results will be repeatable
In a scientific paper or report, the conclusion usually comes after the results section. The results section presents the raw data and findings, which are then interpreted in the conclusion section to discuss the implications of the results and how they support the hypothesis or research question.
Britan recognized American independence
problamatic fkljd
What are the implications of the findings? How does this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge? What are the limitations of the study? What recommendations can be made based on the results?
"Explain future implications of results" means you need to think about how your results may impact others, either in research or in the real world. For instance, if you perform a survey that finds 65% of the residents in your town think the fire department costs too much money, a future implication of these results could be "the fire department may need to evaluate their current number of stations and personnel to see if any of them can be cut to reduce costs".
The critical thinking element of Implications involves analyzing the potential consequences or outcomes of a decision or action. It requires considering the broader impact and significance of a choice to anticipate possible results and make informed decisions.
After analyzing test results, the experimenter should draw conclusions based on the data, determine whether the results support the hypothesis, and consider the implications of the findings. It is important to communicate the results clearly and accurately in a report or presentation to share the outcomes of the experiment with others.
25 million
for each curve net export results when the curve is above the holizontal line if the curve is below the holizontal line net import results for a particular country.