what does history mean
what do you mean history ?? what do you mean history ??
It does not mean awesome, that is for sure.
If you mean 'armada', it means fleet, as in a fleet of ships.
what does angil moy mean
Yelled, hollered, screamed, bellowed.
He hollered for help when he got lost in the woods.
No... the proper way of saying hollered is saying that you shouted a bit longer than a shout. Announcing means that you just project your voice over a crowd and tell some news or even a speech. Therefore, hollered and announced do not match definitions.
hollered, screamed, shouted, here's a link to a thesaurus search for yell: http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/yell
The past tense is hollered.
A girl that is hollered back by a guy.
It could be, but like the verb holler, it would be colloquial and rarely seen."He ignored the hollered warnings and continued across the mine field."To holler is a colloquial verb meaning to yell or shout.
The traffic cop hollered "Stop!".
The boy hollered "dong!", and ran down the street.
screamed harangued hollered shouted