It is typically used on ships to mean that a crew turns against their captain for whatever reason, but it is now more broadly used to mean any group turning against their leader.
The expedition was plagued by pirates, hostile Indians and poor navigation. One ship lost to pirates, second sank in inlets of matagorda bay where third ran around La Salle became sick, and his crew mutinied and four of them killed him, which included Pierre Duhaut.
Henry Hudson's death is recorded on June 22, 1611. The full details of how aren't known, and his body wasn't found. But the basic facts are, his ships crew mutinied, during a voyage to discover the Northwest Passage to the Orient. They set him and a few of his loyal crew members, including his young son, adrift in a small boat. They were never seen again. For more details, please see the sites listed below.
what does history mean
what do you mean history ?? what do you mean history ??
It does not mean awesome, that is for sure.
The workers mutinied against the new ruling from management. The crew mutinied and became pirates once the officers were sent off in the long boat.
The Russian battleship 'Potemkin, is the naval vessel whose crew mutinied on June 14, 1905.
Henry Hudson.
He was mutinied by his crew and they sent him out on a small boat with his sons.
1607 to 1611 when he was mutinied by his crew
Captain Nemo
Ferdinand Magellan
The movie is called 'Amistad', and it came out December 10, 1997.
Strike, usually used when sailors overthrow the authority of their captain.
Well, I can only help you with his fate. His crew mutinied him . Mutinied means to over take him and his ship. He sent him, his son, and several others overboard. He was never heard from again. I hope I have helped you. A great website is "Explorers of the Milleium". Try It!
The past form is mutinied.The crew mutinied two weeks after leaving port.