The continetal congress was a series of legislative bodies which met in the British american colonies and the newly declared united states just before , during , and after the americ
an revolution.
They weren't paid.
if violence was avoidable
He had been told not to say the word independence for fear it would only scare off southern delegates so he sat quietly.
The right to life, liberty, and the right to assemble were three of the things listed in the signed petition that the First Continental Congress sent to the King. They also said they had the right to a trail by jury.
The First and Second Continental Congress :0)
Continental Congress
That would be the 2nd Continental Congress!!
Second Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress is a proper noun.
the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress.
The president of the Second Continental Congress was Peyton Randolph.George Washington
There were no loyalists in the 2nd continental congress
the second continental congress took place in philadelpia
what was the consequence of the first continental congress
The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.
the second continental congress took place in philadelpia
the continental congress was founded in 1791 by Huey Lewis.