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SAE; i.e. Self Addressed Envelope (for them to respond; best if you include the postage also)

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Q: What enclosure is sent with a manuscript?
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Related questions

What is the difference between an enclosure and an appendix?

An enclosure is a document included with the same package, such as a resume sent with a cover letter. An appendix is a section or table that is added at the end of a document or book to supplement the main text.

Is manuscript a verb or noun?

Manuscript is a noun, because a manuscript is someTHING. Manuscript is not an action, therefore it can't be a verb.

What does enclosure tell you when you see it in a memo?

Originally, prior to the internet, memos were sent on actual paper, and if there was an enclosure, that means that the memo and some other document would both be enclosed in the same envelope. Now it is possible to send an attachment with an email, and call it an enclosure if you want to, although nothing is enclosed in the original sense of the word.

A written or printed manuscript?


What does unsolicited manuscript mean?

Unsolicited manuscripts are manuscripts sent to a publisher although material or topic was never requested or expressed interest from a writer or the public.

What is a sentence for manuscript?

The manuscript had to be completed by Friday

Abbreviation for manuscript?

The abbreviation for 'manuscript' is M.S.

What is the word for a manuscript entirely written in the authors own hand?

It is called an autograph.

Can you use the word 'manuscript' as collective noun?

Yes, any noun suitable for the situation may function as a collective noun; for example:a manuscript of errorsa manuscript of memoriesa manuscript of anecdotesa manuscript of mesdeeds

When was The Godwulf Manuscript created?

The ISBN of The Godwulf Manuscript is 0-395-18011-2.

What is the synonym of A book written by hand?

a manuscript

What is a sentence using the word manuscript?

After finishing his novel the writer turned in his manuscript to his editor.A manuscript is any hand-written document. A sentence using the word "manuscript" would be: The manuscript was a culmination of poetry and drawings that she had written over the past ten years.